Who are some of the main opposition figures

Adeyemi Adeyemi

Global Courant 2023-05-11 15:12:50

According to Human Rights Watch, 30 opposition members have been arrested in recent months for criticizing President Kais Saied.

Tunisia has been accused of using the “judiciary as a means of repression” as its crackdown on the opposition has drawn sharp criticism from human rights groups.

Human Rights Watch (HRW) on Thursday condemned the arrests of Ennahdha members and warned that the government wants to “neutralize the country’s largest political party”.

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Seventeen current or former Ennahdha members have been arrested since December, bringing the total number of arrests of opposition members considered critical of President Kais Saied to 30, according to HRW.

Saied, who was supported by Ennahdha when he became president in 2019, dissolved the democratically elected parliament in July 2021 and has since seized more powers, changing the country’s constitution. His opponents decry his moves as “a coup”.

The families of the political prisoners have campaigned on their behalf, most recently calling on the European Union to sanction several government officials.

Amnesty International also condemned increasing repression in Tunisia this week, adding four people had been added to at least 17 dissidents under investigation “on baseless ‘conspiracy’ charges”. According to Amnesty, twelve people have been arrested in the investigation.

Targets include members of the opposition party, political activists and lawyers, Amnesty said.

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“Tunisian authorities have already done enough damage to the right to freedom of expression and the rule of law by arbitrarily detaining dissidents on baseless charges,” said Heba Morayef, Amnesty International’s Middle East and North Africa Director. , in a statement Tuesday. .

“They urgently need to close this investigation, immediately release anyone detained in connection with it, and end their instrumentalization of the judiciary as a means of repression,” she said.

As Saeid’s authoritarian shift deepens, here’s a list of some of the prominent opposition figures targeted in recent months and the charges against them:

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Rachel Ghannouchi

Head of the Ennahdha party Arrested April 17 for “incendiary statements,” authorities said, supposedly in a video in which he warned of the potential for civil war if Tunisia’s various political currents, including political Islam and leftists, were attacked. excluded from Tunisia’s political fabric Charged with conspiracy against state security Detained on remand Has been questioned in connection with 19 investigations in the past 18 months, according to HRW

Ali Laarayedh

Ennahdha vice president and former prime minister Faces prosecution for failing to adequately combat hardline groups and violence during his tenure from 2011 to 2014, according to HRW Held since December without being brought before a judge

Nourredine Bhiri

A deputy chief of the Ennahdha party and former justice minister arrested on Feb. 13 for trying to “change the nature of the state,” his lawyer Amine Bouker told HRW. the anniversary of the day when former Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali was ousted. His lawyers said he did not write the post, according to HRW.

Ferjani said

An Ennahdha leader who was in parliament before it was dissolved by Saied was arrested on Feb. 27 in an investigation into digital content production company Instalingo, according to HRW. His family and lawyer have informed HRW that he is not affiliated with the company.

Mohamed Mzoughi

Ennahdha’s head of public relations Arrested March 9 on charges including conspiracy against state security and “terrorism”-related charges for an alleged role in running social media pages critical of Saied’s rule, according to HRW

Mohamed Saleh Bouallagui

Ennahdha General Secretary Arrested March 10 on charges including conspiracy against state security and “terrorism” related charges for an alleged role in running social media pages critical of Saied’s rule, the same charges as Mzoughi, according to HRW

Mohammed Ben Salem

A former Ennahdha leader and former agriculture minister Arrested on March 3 and charged with “forming an organization for the purpose of preparing and committing the crime of illegally leaving Tunisian territory” and “holding sums of money in foreign currency,” said HRW. his ability to walk and has suffered two strokes since his arrest, his family and attorney told HRW

Ayachi Hammami

A lawyer who has represented opposition leaders who Amnesty says is under investigation in the conspiracy case against 17 people Is now one of the suspects in that case Also under investigation under a cybercrime law for public criticism of authorities, says Amnesty

Bochra Belhaj Hamida

A feminist lawyer and co-founder and former president of the Tunisian Association of Democratic Women Former politician in the Assembly of Representatives, the legislative branch of the government of Tunisia Among 17 suspects in conspiracy investigation

Nejib Chebbi

Leader of the Tunisian National Salvation Front, an opposition alliance co-founded by Ennahdha. Organizes regular protests against Saied for months. Among 17 Suspects in Criminal Conspiracy Investigation (TagsToTranslate)News

Who are some of the main opposition figures

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