TTC reports injuries following derailment on the Scarborough Rapid Transit system

Nabil Anas

Global Courant

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TORONTO – The Toronto Transit Commission says some passengers on a train in Scarborough “needed medical attention” following a Monday night derailment.

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The TTC tweeted that the rear car of a train on Line 3, the Scarborough Rapid Transit system, had separated from the rest of the train and was derailing.

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It said about 44 people on board had been evacuated and “some required medical attention”, although it said the extent of their injuries was not known.

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Deputy Fire Chief Jim Jessop told reporters at the scene of the derailment at Ellesmere Station that five people had been taken to hospital for assessment and described their injuries as minor.

“Basically, the train went off the rails and they were thrown in as it happened, and our crews were able to help them get off and then deliver them to the care of paramedics,” Jessop said.

About 20 to 30 other passengers from the rest of the train were able to exit the train car on their own and walk across the tracks, Jessop said.

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TTC CEO Rick Leary said in a statement that the train was heading south at the time and the trailing car was disconnected from the leading cars, but the reason why is not yet known.

“I want to apologize to everyone affected by this incident and reassure our customers that safety is always at the forefront of everything we do,” Leary said.

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“I have spoken to my executive team and directed an immediate review of this incident, using outside assistance and expertise where appropriate.”

According to the TTC’s website, Line 3 is a 4-mile, medium-capacity, six-station rapid transit line that opened in 1985 and whose trains have been in service for 10 years past their design life.

It notes that they are “sensitive to cold weather and have already been overhauled to ensure safe, reliable service.”

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The website says the line will be decommissioned in November and replaced by buses until the Scarborough Subway Extension is opened by the province of Ontario in 2030.

Leary said in his statement that he commissioned line 3. Scarborough will remain on full bus replacement until the TTC can be confident it is safe to resume train service.

“I know this will be an inconvenience to our customers, but it’s the right thing to do,” he said.

He promised to share more information with the public as it becomes known.

This report from The Canadian Press was first published on July 24, 2023.

TTC reports injuries following derailment on the Scarborough Rapid Transit system

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