Activities related to May 1


Global Courant 2023-04-25 22:18:23

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The National Confederation of Eritrean Workers has conducted various activities in the context of International Workers Day 2023 under the theme “Clear Vision-Concerted Work!”

The activities that started on April 5 include terracing and preparing holes for planting tree seedlings at Dembe Zawl, blood donation, labor and productivity seminars, workshops, as well as general knowledge and literature competitions.

Accordingly, Mr. Woldeyesus Elisa, Director General of Labor at the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, held a seminar on ‘Future Job Opportunities and Challenges’ on 18 April.

Mr. Wodeyesus indicates that technological development, green economy and demographic change are the basic parameters for future employment.

Mr. Woldeyesus further said that long working hours, short-term contracts, low payments, a shortage of policies and security of occupation and health, as well as unofficial work are among the challenges we may face in the future.

Mr Woldeyesus said that based on the National Charter, Macro Policy and Labor Law, the Eritrean government has issued laws and guidelines to ensure that all citizens have effective employment.

On April 20, the workshop ‘Culture of production and productivity’ was organized.

Furthermore, 456 employees from 19 institutions laid out terraces and made holes for planting tree seedlings, while 110 employees from 16 institutions voluntarily donated 100 units of blood.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of the Ministry of Information, Eritrea.

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Activities related to May 1

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