Advanced dry eye treatment options

Wang Yan
Global Courant

Dry eye, commonly known as dry eye syndrome (DES), is a widespread condition that affects a large number of Americans. It is estimated that 11% of people between the ages of 30 and 60 deal with DES on a daily basis. The percentage of those affected rises to 15% over the age of 65. The common cause of the problem stems from a deficient tear film or a lack of tear fluid in general. Years ago, dry eye syndrome could not be completely reversed. However, modern medications and treatments can reduce or even completely cure DES symptoms.


A good understanding of DES starts with an overview of the symptoms. The majority of people with DES report general irritation and sometimes even pain. It is common for affected eyes to become extremely sensitive to light. Itching and redness are also common. Some people have even reported feeling like there is an object in their eye, such as a grain of salt or dust. At worst, it can affect the actual quality of vision.


The causes of dry eye syndrome can vary greatly.

1- One of the main causes of DES is excessive and inappropriate use of contact lenses.

2- Another reason is genetics and older age. The older a person gets, the more susceptible they are to a host of eye conditions, including DES. Women over 45 are known to contract the disease more quickly than men and it has recently been linked to one of several external effects of menopause.

3- Another female related cause is birth control. The hormones released by the pills have been reported to cause DES

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Dry Eye Treatments:

Modern science has enabled doctors to moderate the symptoms.

Topical treatments for dry eyes

· One of the most common treatment methods is the use of artificial tear drops, which help moisten the surface of the cornea and relieve the symptoms of dryness. Some medicated eye drops are known to cure dry eyes completely, such as Allergan’s Rystasis.

· Other methods are temporary and permanent punctual occlusion. Your eye doctor will insert a small plug into one or more puncta (the draining tear duct) to slow down the drainage of tears from your eyes. By slowing down the rate of tear drainage, more tears stay in your eyes, relieving dry eye symptoms. The procedure is simple and can be done in just a few minutes at the office.

· Increased intake of omega-3 fatty acids is known to reduce dry eye symptoms.

Warm compresses or a warm washcloth can help treat meibomian gland dysfunction. The oil-producing glands in the eyelids may not be able to secrete oil that prevents tears from evaporating, which can lead to dry eye symptoms. Heat treatment is intended to loosen the hardened oil that clogs the glands.

Surgical treatments

Light Therapy (IPL): Intense Pulsed Light Laser Treatment can be used to disconnect the sebaceous glands on the inside of the eyelid. The intense light serves as a healing hot compress, loosening the hardened oil that clogs the glands. It is usually advised to have up to 3 treatments to see benefits.

Probing of Oil Gland Therapy: This method uses a small pointed instrument that probes the sebaceous glands, opening them and allowing secretion of the natural oils in the lid.

· Cauterization: is the permanent closure of the tear ducts, allowing more tear fluid to remain in the eye longer.

It is recommended to see an ophthalmologist to diagnose your condition. Not all treatments are suitable for everyone who suffers from DES. It is very important to diagnose the symptoms and causes of dry eye before choosing a treatment method.

Advanced dry eye treatment options

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