Alternative medicine for chronic diarrhea after gallbladder removal

Wang Yan
Wang Yan

Global Courant

People usually don’t like to talk about their bathroom problems, but for some it’s a huge problem. Today, up to two billion people have diarrhea in one year – a colossal number. Diarrhea is usually not a disease in itself; it is a symptom of many harmful processes in our digestive system. Some people may experience chronic diarrhea, which occurs when diarrhea lasts more than two weeks and there are more than 3 watery bowel movements per day.

This article focuses on chronic diarrhea following gallbladder removal. Why do many people suffer from it? Is there a non-drug alternative cure for this nasty condition?

The medical term for the gallbladder removal surgery is cholecystectomy. This type of diarrhea is a symptom of postcholecystectomy syndrome; condition often accompanied by pain, gas, bloating, reflux of bile, etc.

Let’s focus on unpleasant things first. Even brilliant surgical technique and surgical experience cannot prevent this complication after gallbladder removal surgery. Statistically, about 10% of people without a gallbladder will develop chronic diarrhea sooner or later. In the US, 700,000 gallbladders are removed every year, so we have a large number of patients with that problem after surgery.

According to medical literature, there is no cure for this condition, there are only medications to control diarrhea. Even professionals recognize that the cause of diarrhea after gallbladder removal is unknown. Either way, doctors call chronic diarrhea after gallbladder removal “bile acids” diarrhea because bile acids are the culprit. Bile acids are essential components of bile.

Bile is produced by the liver and goes to the gallbladder for storage. When half-digested food enters the first part of the small intestine-duodenum from the stomach, the gallbladder contracts. It pushes the bile through the bile duct and sphincter of Oddi into the duodenum to digest fatty foods.

Our body uses bile acids from the bile as a detergent to make fat droplets smaller. It assists pancreatic enzyme lipase in splitting the fats to glycerol and fatty acids, which can be absorbed through the intestinal wall. This is a bit complicated, but without understanding it’s hard to realize how to get help.

In the normal situation, when bile is alkaline, bile acids are soluble. All abnormal acidic changes in bile pH lead to precipitation of the bile acids. The insoluble bile acids are very aggressive substances, which attack and irritate the gallbladder, bile ducts, sphincter of Oddi and duodenum, causing inflammation, ulcers and eventually cancer. The doctors found more incidence of colon cancer in people after gallbladder removal. Acidity of bile and precipitation of the bile acids is the main reason for the development of inflammation and gallbladder stones. There is much more medical information on this issue in my eBook: Healthy Pancreas, Healthy You.

Besides, people lose their gallbladder due to acidic bile which causes inflammation and gallbladder stones. Gallbladder holds bile for a long time; therefore acidic, aggressive bile acids have more time to cause damage and inflammation. No wonder the gallbladder becomes the first and most common target for a surgical blade.

However, gallbladder removal surgery does not normalize the acid-alkaline state of the bile. After gallbladder surgery, irritation and inflammation persist in the bile ducts of the liver, bile ducts, sphincter of Oddi, and duodenum. Bile/pancreatic reflux can move this aggressive mixture to the stomach, causing gastritis, persistent heartburn, damage to the esophagus, etc. Going down, the reflux of bile/pancreas can cause abdominal pain and diarrhea.

Let’s stop here and think about what can turn human bodies acidic? Modern food filled with acid-forming products. They are sugars, meat, grains, milk, alcohol and unhealthy fats. In addition, antibiotics in food and as medication kill the friendly intestinal flora; therefore allows yeast and bacterial overgrowth in the intestines. This in turn ensures constant fermentation and produces a lot of acidic substances.

Therefore, maintaining alkaline bile is extremely beneficial for people without a gallbladder.

There are three natural ways to do that: eat an alkaline diet, take alkaline minerals, and drink alkaline medicinal mineral water. Drinking medicinal mineral water is very popular in Europe.

Surgeons have been performing cholecystectomy for 150 years. Therefore, since that time, doctors knew the consequences of the gallbladder operations, such as pain, indigestion and diarrhea. European doctors have been recommending drinking medicinal mineral water for hundreds of years. The small town of Karlovy Vary was a sacred place for people with gallbladder, liver and pancreas diseases. Europeans drank this water from a thermal spring or prepared it at home from evaporated geyser salt for more than 250 years. Many articles and books in German, Czech and Russian support the healing effect of the healing mineral water Karlovy Vary after gallbladder removal.

Drinking medicinal mineral water prepared with real thermal spring salt from Karlovy Vary can have some beneficial effects. Karlovy Vary thermal spring salt can:

• Provide the body with alkaline minerals, bicarbonate and trace elements, essential components of bile and pancreatic juice

• Make bile liquid and alkaline so that it becomes less aggressive

• Reduction of sphincter of Oddy spasm (sphincter of Oddy dysfunction)

• Reduction of bile/pancreatic reflux

• Normalize stool

• Promoting good digestion

This is a safe and effective natural remedy for individuals with postcholecystectomy syndrome, but it takes time to achieve the positive results. I suggest monitoring the pH of saliva and urine at home to see the changes. The pH of saliva and urine is a window for us to look into the body’s acid-base balance. “I eat healthy”, “I don’t drink alcohol”, “I exercise”, I often hear from my patients. They are actually surprised when the pH of their saliva and urine is below 6.6 (acid state).

Acidity, medical name is chronic metabolic acidosis, is now prevalent. Today, nutritionists believe that metabolic acidosis is at the heart of several digestive and metabolic disorders.

Another natural way to neutralize acidity in the body is to take alkaline mineral supplements. The best for this task is cellular magnesium-potassium.

Exacerbation of the chronic diarrhea after removal of the gallbladder is highly dependent on dysbiosis (Candida Yeast Overgrowth and/or Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO). Antibiotics and some other drugs, poor diet, heavy metal toxicity and alcohol interfere with normal microbial balance in the small and large intestine.

When the friendly intestinal flora is not present, opportunistic infections such as harmful bacteria, yeasts and parasites take over the GI tract. According to medical research, dysbiosis leads to precipitation of the bile acids and consequently aggravates chronic diarrhea.

Contrary to popular belief, eating yogurt and taking low-quality probiotics usually cannot restore the natural balance between a friendly gut flora and an opportunistic infection. The use of antibiotics and antifungal drugs cannot restore the correct, natural balance in the intestine. “Kill and destroy” approach is not for this case.

Restoration of the friendly intestinal flora is a time-consuming process that consists of a healthy diet, hydrotherapy of the colon, drinking medicinal mineral water prepared with real thermal salt from Karlovy Vary, taking proven quality probiotics and nutritional supplements. Colon hydrotherapy by flushing the colon can eliminate bile acids and create an environment for beneficial bacteria to reside there.

Diarrhea after gallbladder removal is nothing new. People have suffered from this type of chronic diarrhea for a long time. For now, the scientific research and basic clinical evidence support the effectiveness of herbs in digestive disorders, especially in the case of chronic diarrhea. Herbs can promote the release of the liver bile; make bile liquid and alkaline.

Chronic diarrhea after gallbladder removal causes digestive problems, pain, loss of fluids, minerals, trace elements, vitamins and essential fatty acids. It can cause many symptoms, which are very far from the colon. These problems can include depression, low immunity, disorders of the skin, adrenal gland, thyroid, heart and blood vessels, which can cause additional symptoms and other treatments. If you’re just concerned about where the bathrooms are, water-resistant pads and diapers aren’t the main solution for chronic diarrhea after gallbladder removal.

Don’t give up looking for help. It is imperative to find the knowledgeable licensed practitioner of alternative medicine to work with.

The information contained herein is presented for educational, informational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This information should not be used as a substitute for the services or instructions of a physician or qualified healthcare professional.

Alternative medicine for chronic diarrhea after gallbladder removal

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