Are Hair Loss Treatments Just One Big Scam?

Wang Yan

Global Courant

The hair loss industry is not one that inspires much confidence in most people. I must admit that this is completely understandable given the damage done by the many thugs and charlatans who have betrayed the trust of far too many vulnerable people – people who have been given worthless and even dangerous products or advice in exchange for their hard-earned cash. The end result is the prevalence of a stigma that the industry struggles to shake.

But is this perception really justified today? Are there no real treatments that patients can turn to to deal with the ravages of premature hair loss? The simple answer is YES, there are several safe, affordable, accessible and effective hair loss treatments currently available. Some are even FDA-approved for hair loss treatment, while others use natural remedies as the basis for commercially available products. Whether or not any of them are suitable for a particular individual depends on a number of important factors.

First and foremost, each individual must determine the exact cause or causes of his or her hair loss. This may seem like an overly simplistic statement, but the truth is that most people undergoing a hair loss regimen proceed on the basis of self-diagnosis. Given that premature or excessive hair loss is often associated with underlying medical conditions, this may not be the wisest course of action.

My advice in all cases is to seek the help of a qualified doctor, as the consequences of not doing so can be serious in a small number of cases. Even if all the evidence points to the onset of hereditary male pattern baldness, it’s probably best to seek advice, if only to rule out other factors.

Once the cause of hair loss is well established, you can choose an appropriate form of treatment. This can range from prescribing medications to balance disrupted hormone levels to applying minoxidil topically to reduce male pattern baldness symptoms.

Hair loss can be caused by many factors, including changing hormone levels, illness, stress, overuse of strong chemicals, excessive traction, poor grooming practices, side effects of medical treatments, poor nutrition, a weak immune system and the effects of aging. The good news is that all of these can be tackled with reasonable hopes of success, but only if you choose the right treatment.

The next article in this series will take a detailed look at the various causes of excessive hair loss and outline suggested treatments that are both affordable and accessible. If you take just two things from this article, take these suggestions on board:

1. Always seek advice from your doctor before undergoing hair loss treatment.

2. Don’t despair, there is often a simple explanation for excessive hair loss and even hereditary loss or male pattern baldness can be successfully treated for most people today.

Are Hair Loss Treatments Just One Big Scam?

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