blew up a dam in Jershon, Kiev blamed Russia and Zelenski

Robert Collins

Global Courant

Ukraine’s military authorities blamed Russia on Tuesday for an explosion that destroyed the Kakhovka dam, located on the Dnipro River in Kherson Oblast. They launched an emergency evacuation of the inhabitants of the affected area due to the risk of flooding, while President Volodimir Zelenski convened his Security Council.

“The Russian army has carried out another terrorist attack. They have blown up the Kakhovka dam,” the head of the Kherson Military Administration, Oleksandr Prokudin, reported in a video, warning that the water will reach “critical levels” in less than 5 hours.

For its part, the Southern Command of the Ukrainian army said in an official statement that “the destruction, speed and volume” of the overflow of water caused by the explosion, which could cause serious flooding, is being established.

In that context, the Interior Ministry asked the inhabitants of ten villages located on the right bank of the Dnipro River to gather their essential documents and pets, turn off their electrical appliances and leave immediately.

An explosion destroyed the Kakhovka dam, located on the Dnipro River in Kherson Oblast. Photo: Reuters.

Meanwhile, the head of the Ukrainian presidential office, Andriy Yermak, confirmed that Zelensky urgently summoned the National Security Council: “Kajovka hydroelectric power station. Another war crime committed by Russian terrorists. The president summoned the Council of National Security”.

According to the adviser to the Ukrainian presidential office, Mikhailo Podolyak, Russia blew up the dam with “an obvious purpose: to create obstacles to the Ukrainian advance, to seize the information initiative and to slow down a just end to the war.”

In his official Twitter account, Zelensky expressed: “Russian terrorists. The destruction of the dam of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station only confirms for the whole world that they must be expelled from all corners of the Ukrainian land. should not leave them a single meter, because they use every meter for terror. Only Ukraine’s victory will restore security. And this victory will come. Terrorists will not be able to stop Ukraine with water, missiles or anything else.”

Ukraine and Russia had previously accused each other of attacking the dam. Last October, Zelenski had assured that Moscow would destroy it to cause flooding. Meanwhile, authorities, experts and residents have been raising concerns about the flow of water on the infrastructure for months.

Ukraine and Russia had previously accused each other of attacking the Kakhovka dam, located on the Dnipro River, in Kherson Oblast. Photo: Reuters.

Last February, water levels were so low that many feared a meltdown at the Russian-occupied Zaporizhia nuclear power plant, whose cooling systems are supplied by water from the reservoir contained by the Kakhovka dam.

In mid-May, after heavy rainfall and snowmelt, the water level rose above normal and flooded nearby towns. Satellite images showed how the water exceeded the damaged gates of the dam.

The Kakhovka hydroelectric power station, located in the south of the country, was taken over by Russian troops at the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine on February 24. It is an essential dam to supply water to the Crimean peninsula, annexed by Russia.

Concern in Ukraine for global food security

For his part, the head of the Ukrainian presidential office, Andriy Yermak, warned that “the blowing up of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant by Russia is a blow to global food security.”

In addition, he said that “this disaster will affect the irrigation system in southern Ukraine” and described what happened as “the worst man-made disaster in the world in recent decades.”

The Ukrainian south is known for its intensive agricultural production. Ukraine is one of the world’s largest exporters of grain and agricultural products.

Meanwhile, in a statement the Ukrainian public nuclear energy company, Energoatom, assured that the situation, for the moment, is “under control”.

“As a result of the detonation, the water level in the Kakhovka dam drops rapidly, posing an additional threat to the temporarily occupied Zaporizhia nuclear power plant,” read a statement released by the company.

As Energoatom explains, the water from the destroyed dam “is necessary for the (nuclear) plant to receive electricity for its turbines and security systems.” At the moment, the water level in the Zaporizhia power station is sufficient to guarantee normal operation, the company adds.

The Ukrainian public nuclear power company continues to monitor the situation at the Zaporizhia plant despite it being occupied by Russia since March last year.

With information from agencies.



blew up a dam in Jershon, Kiev blamed Russia and Zelenski

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