A home remedy can be an alternative to common practices in curing calf diarrhea. There are veal farmers, both professional and hobby farmers, who are considering using these alternatives. Some use it as a last resort and others because they prefer not to use antibiotics.
The question arises whether this way of treating their calves against diarrhea is enough to cure it. What exactly does this treatment do? Does it prevent dehydration or kill viruses and bacteria? This article may provide some answers to how home remedies work.
Since most home remedies have not been scientifically tested, no guarantees can ever be given. However, some products have shown good results. Which works and which doesn’t, you have to decide for yourself.
There are two ways to help calves overcome their diarrhea. Firstly, to combat the causes of the barnacles and secondly, to support the calf’s health and immune system.
Products that combat the causes of calf diarrhoea.
Grapefruit seed extract.
This is an effective disinfectant and it is a powerful all round antimicrobial product.
Lemon juice.
Lemon juice can kill pathogens that cause diarrhea.
Red or white wine.
Contains polyphenols or tannins, which are antibacterial agents.
This is a probiotic formula that consists of a strain of bacteria called Lactobacillus GG Research has shown that it protects against salmonella and clostridium, increases antibody response and gut-related immune functions. It has also been shown to treat or prevent various causes of diarrhea, including rotavirus, diarrhea caused by antibiotics, and colitis (inflammation of the lining of the colon).
Apple cider vinegar.
This contains pectins that are effective against certain types of bacteria that cause diarrhea. Pectins also bind to disease-causing bacteria and flush them out of the gut.
Carob flour.
It is very rich in pectin, a binding substance, and tannins, which have an antiviral effect.
This is a good remedy for diarrhea caused by bacteria.
This contains a chemical in the bark called myricitrin that fights germs, and also contains tannins that have a drying or astringent effect that helps relieve diarrhea.
Egg yolk.
Chickens are often vaccinated against diseases associated with diarrheal diseases. The chickens then pass on the antibodies in their eggs. Research has shown that these antibodies against egg yolks can very effectively prevent and treat infestation.
Products that have supportive therapy.
Reduces all intestinal inflammations and has an astringent effect.
Methylsulfonylmethane is natural organic sulfur, one of the essential minerals. It helps reduce inflammation and helps the digestive system work better. MSM has a healing and soothing effect on the intestinal mucosa.
Blackberry root.
The roots of blackberry bushes have a chemical astringent that dries up excess fluid in the body. This drying, in turn, helps stop chafing.
Soluble pectins.
These pectins can coat the intestinal wall, leaving a protective layer and slowing down the passage of food.
Lignocelluloses and yeasts.
Used to stabilize digestion and improve stool consistency.
Citric acid and ascorbic acid.
These acids can restore proper pH levels to promote beneficial intestinal microflora.
Chamomile and blueberry.
Soothes the intestines, acts as a spasm reducer and as an anti-inflammatory.
Make your own recipe by mixing a liter of water with 86 grams of sugar, 14 grams of baking soda, 13 grams of salt and 3 grams of potassium chloride.
An alternative might be: 2 tsp baking soda, 1 can beef soup, 2 tsp salt, 1 packet jelly pectin, plus add warm water to make a total of 2 quarts.
Acidophilus or yogurt with live cultures can help build good bacteria in the gut.
Carrot juice.
The essential oils in carrot juice have a positive effect on the gastric mucosa.
FOS probiotic.
Improve good bacteria in the intestines by adding FOS (Fructooligosaccharides) supplements. FOS can be found in fruits and vegetables. It is a soluble fiber and it has acidophilus and other necessary bacteria.
Apple cider vinegar.
The vinegar helps cleanse the intestines and entire digestive system and acts as a natural antiseptic. It also contains pectin that thickens the stool.
Garlic can be a supporting product in several ways: it cleanses, soothes and reduces inflammation. Garlic also has a large amount of potassium which is necessary for the proper functioning of intestinal contractions. Potassium is also an important ingredient of electrolytes in the body.
Unprocessed bran can absorb the excess fluid in the intestines because it absorbs eight times its own weight.
Charcoal can quickly stop the diarrhea by absorbing the toxins that are causing the problem.
Substances in cabbage have been shown to heal intestinal lesions.
Green tea.
Green tea is a rich source of tannins that have an astringent effect.
Cinnamon and cayenne pepper.
Cinnamon and cayenne pepper as a combination is very effective in tightening the intestines.
Ginger can help with cramps or abdominal pain.
Tormentil has 20% tannins, which makes it very astringent and helps reduce inflammation.
As you can see, there are many alternative products that can help cure and treat calf diarrhoea. Most are ancillary products that can certainly be of benefit to barn calves. It is good to keep a close eye on these calves to see if the products really work.
When in doubt, always consult a veterinarian, as dehydration is a real danger for a calf with diarrhea and can lead to rapid death. Read more about common practices treat calf diarrhoea here and how to prevent new outbreaks.
Calf Diarrhea Home Remedy – The action of various ingredients that can cure chafing
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