Can Cleaning Help Maintain Good Mental Health?

Wang Yan
Wang Yan

Global Courant

When most people think of mental health, they immediately think of depression, stress, and anxiety. People will also think about the causes of poor mental health, such as someone living in poor conditions, someone living in an abusive situation, or someone suffering from an addiction. There are many things in life that can contribute to poor mental health and there are just as many things a person can do to improve their mental health. Past traumatic events, stress, work, family, and the overall lifestyle one has can all lead to a decline in one’s mental health.

Many have heard that maintaining one’s physical health can go a long way in maintaining one’s mental health because they go hand in hand. Others will tell you that eating well, getting enough sleep, having some self-confidence and respect for yourself, and making enough time for yourself are all things a person can do to improve and maintain good mental health. However, there is something else that seems to help improve a person’s mental health, or at least their mood. Apparently most people feel better after they thoroughly clean their living space.

Taking the time to clean the house from head to toe is like cleaning someone’s life. The dirt, dust and clutter are cleared away and the home has a fresher, more comfortable atmosphere in which the person can feel happier and more relaxed. of something they often fixate on and to improve the look and feel of the home. The state of the home has a significant impact on a person’s mental health, as does cleaning; such an impact, in fact, that many people who are agitated, irritable or frustrated may use cleaning as an outlet for their emotions and energy until they feel better. In most cases, this can be quite effective. Of course, if someone finds themselves cleaning almost every day to vent frustrations or to improve their mood, it may also be a good idea to consult a therapist. Online therapists are always available for questions about how a person can improve their mental health in ways other than cleaning their home.

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Anyone who finds themselves suffering from an overall decline in their mental health, such as loss of confidence, loss of concentration, depression, and so on, should seriously consider contacting an online therapist. The online therapist can work with the patient to find out why they are feeling down, and then suggest what the patient could do to improve their mental health. Life is meant to be enjoyed and someone who is not happy and has a bleak outlook on life cannot enjoy life to the fullest. Seeking advice and help from an online therapist can go a long way toward improving one’s mental health.

Can Cleaning Help Maintain Good Mental Health?

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