classes are suspended in two schools for

Robert Collins

Global Courant 2023-05-22 21:31:54

They are neighboring schools that are in the heart of the city. The decision was made after a directive received a telephone intimidation.

Two schools that operate in the heart of Rosario suspended classes this Monday when a directive received a threat on her cell phone warning that the educational institution was going to be the target of a shooting.

These are the Oriented Secondary Education School No. 411 Leónidas Gambartes and the Mariano Moreno Elementary School, located next to each other, on Paraguay Street at 1200, in the heart of Rosario.

After the threat, police custody was arranged in that building and in a neighboring school, judicial and educational sources reported.

According to the first investigations, a director of the “Gambartes” school received a threat to shoot the institution on her cell phone, a fact that was communicated to the Ministry of Education of Santa Fe and denounced before the Public Prosecutor’s Office.

As a result, the authorities decided to suspend classes preventively, both in that school and in the one next door, for the safety of the students and the educational community.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Security ordered police custody in both educational establishments and in nearby businesses, the spokespersons consulted told Télam.

In front of the two schools there is a pasta factory that also received threats a couple of weeks ago and that now has a police patrol car as guard, the informants added.

The case is being investigated by the prosecutor on duty of the Shooting Unit of the Rosario Public Prosecutor’s Office, Valeria Haurigot.

In this regard, the Minister of Public Management of the province, Marcos Corach, considered that around the case “there is an operation mounted” that linked to the elections to be held this year in the district.

“Justice has to put an end to this disastrous campaign. It is not by chance that there are hidden interests that seek to generate fear at this electoral moment,” Corach said before a query on Aire de Santa Fe radio.

The official evaluated that, “at least, there is a cat locked up here” and added: “It is not accidental; there are hidden interests here. I am not a serial denier; today Rosario is fertile territory, but clearly there is an operation mounted.”

The minister anticipated that he will travel to Rosario today to provide information on the calls to the 911 police line and videos.

“It is good that the cause is investigated ex officio by the Public Prosecutor’s Office (MPA),” said Corach, who added that he cannot “stop thinking” that “when all this campaign appears, it is in the year that there are elections “.

Schools, a new target in the drug war

The attack on schools is a phenomenon that has exploded in recent months, when the Rosario schools became the new target of narco bullet attacks, according to Clarín.

“The gangs know that these acts gain notoriety. And they are a message of discipline towards society. If we say that the school is what matters most to us in this life, which are our children, they show us that they do not care about anything at all “, explains Martín Lucero, general secretary of the Argentine Union of Private Teachers (SADOP) of Rosario.

Marcelo Vásquez (45) is a third grade teacher. He has worked in the education sector since the late 1990s. He remembers: “Before, you would put on your overalls and go into any territory to look for a kid who was often missing. One would relax with the imaginary of the teacher, the school, the teacher. It was synonymous of respect in the neighborhoods.

The last shooting was Thursday night. The ammunition hit the bars in front of the Estanislao López school, in the Belgrano neighborhood, to the northwest. Although it is worth clarifying: it is not known if they were in the context of a shooting, or if the objective was a person and their aim failed.

“The other day a teacher told me that a third grade boy told her ‘Señor, I already know what to do if there is a shooting,'” says Lucero. And he adds: “The boy threw himself on the floor, under a table. These issues are part of the daily life of our students. That is why they are dealt with; they come out on their own. The school is not a bubble in which we limit ourselves to teaching the tables. We constantly live in a Netflix series. Everything we see in fiction here we really suffer.”

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