Colombia and Bolivia help Brazil’s Lula and Israel feud over Gaza conflict | Israeli Conflict on Gaza Information

Adeyemi Adeyemi

World Courant

South American allies categorical ‘solidarity’ with Brazil after Israel slams Lula for evaluating the conflict on Gaza to the Holocaust.

Colombia and Bolivia are backing Brazil because the diplomatic row with Israel escalates after President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva accused Israel of committing genocide in Gaza, evaluating its actions to the Holocaust.

Gustavo Petro and Luis Arce, the presidents of Colombia and Bolivia respectively, each expressed “solidarity” with Lula on Tuesday after he was criticized by Israel for calling the conflict on Gaza a “genocide” towards Palestinians and evaluating it to the marketing campaign by Adolf Hitler to exterminate the Jewish individuals through the Holocaust.

“A genocide is happening in Gaza and hundreds of youngsters, ladies and aged residents are being cowardly murdered,” Petro stated of X. “Lula has solely spoken the reality and the reality is being defended, in any other case barbarism will destroy us. Your complete area should unite to right away finish violence in Palestine.”

Arce additionally used social media to hyperlink arms with Lula. “Historical past won’t forgive those that are detached to this barbarity,” he wrote. The Brazilian president, he stated, had informed the reality concerning the genocide dedicated towards the “courageous Palestinian individuals.”

The row flared on Sunday and tensions elevated when Israeli International Minister Israel Katz labeled Lula’s feedback as “promiscuous, delusional” and declared him “persona non grata” in Israel. “It is not too late to study historical past and apologize,” he wrote on X.

In response, Brazilian International Minister Mauro Vieira described Katz’s feedback as “outrageous” and “unacceptable in nature and mendacious in nature.”

“For a overseas ministry to deal with a head of state from a pleasant nation on this method is uncommon and abhorrent,” he informed reporters on the G20 summit in Rio de Janeiro.

The episode, he stated on Tuesday, was “an embarrassing web page within the historical past of Israeli diplomacy.”

Diplomatic retaliation

Within the wake of Lula’s feedback, Katz summoned Brazilian Ambassador Frederico Meyer to a gathering on the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial middle in Jerusalem on Monday.

In a tit-for-tat transfer, Brazil’s International Ministry then summoned Israel’s ambassador to Brazil, Daniel Zonshinem, and recalled Meyer from Tel Aviv for consultations.

Veteran leftist Lula, 78, is a distinguished voice for the World South and his nation holds the rotating presidency of the G20.

Though he had initially described the Hamas-led assault on October 7 as a “terrorist” act, he has since turn out to be outspokenly essential of Israel’s response.

His feedback got here as Brazil ready to host a gathering of G20 overseas ministers on Wednesday and Thursday, bringing collectively prime diplomats together with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Russian International Minister Sergey Lavrov in Rio de Janeiro.

Colombia and Bolivia help Brazil’s Lula and Israel feud over Gaza conflict | Israeli Conflict on Gaza Information

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