Conflict between the Government and Fenafuth would bring serious

Michael Taylor

Global Courant

Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

Alarms go off for the Honduran national team prior to their participation in the Gold Cup 2023 due to a conflict that began countpor by the administration of the Birichiche stadium and the Infantil stadium that Fenafuth has the grant.

In principle, the countpor informed the Fenafuth that will take over the stadium facilities.

“The reason for this letter is to notify in response to official letter number 230-2023 that was sent to that Football Federation on May 11 of this year, where the validity of executive decree PCM-18-2023, published in the official newspaper La Gaceta number 36,212, which establishes in articles 8 and 9 the recovery of all sports facilities at the national level, as well as those indicated by law regarding Executive Decrees, Regulations or regulations in force that refer to the National Commission for Sports Facilities and Sports Improvement (Conapid)it will be understood that one is talking about the National Commission for Sports, Physical Education and Recreation (Condepor)”.

And they add with the signature of the commissioner of Condepor, Mario Moncada: “Having said the foregoing, this Commission will take pure, direct and effective possession of the real estate described in the aforementioned official letter of merit, with the clarification that the Central Government through Condepor does not have and will not have the purpose of intervening in policies, dynamics and administrative and sports functions of Fenafuth by virtue of its autonomy and adherence to FIFA being recognized, likewise, any improvement built in sports spaces owned by the State of Honduras in this case, those of the Birichiche stadium and the Infantil stadium, for lack of legitimacy of those who built at the time, they remain in favor of Condepor by virtue of being a property with a National nature duly registered in the Property Institute (IP) as well as in the National Directorate of National Assets (DNBN), respectively”.

the Fenafuth defends tooth and nail the administration of both stadiums and above all because the president of FIFA, Gianni Infantinoinaugurated the Birichiche court on November 19, 2020 in an act that captured all the attention of the local and many international media.

Fenafuth responded: “As you are aware, the Municipal Mayor’s Office of the Central District has granted the use, enjoyment or usufruct of the Birichiche stadium and the Children’s stadium through a fair document and for an indefinite period, in the use of its legal powers and unanimously approved by votes. The property known as the Birichiche is an ejido property and for this reason the Mayor’s Office granted the concession and legal administration to Fenafuth since 2006”.

In addition, they stated: “We reiterate our concern since depriving the Federation of a property built with FIFA funds constitutes a clear interference by the Government in the activities of the Federation and in assets provided by FIFA. This is considered a clear interference in the administrative functions of a property that has been administered by Fenafuth, where funds granted by FIFA have been invested and which are stadiums used exclusively for the development of the different minor leagues in Tegucigalpa attached to our Federation. ”.

The next few hours are key because FIFA is lethal in its decisions and the Gold Cup 2023 It is the closest competition where the Bicolor could be punished and later the Honduran clubs in the international tournaments of the Concacaf.

The response document from FENAFUTH to Condepor. “This type of action puts at risk the participation of all our national teams in their different categories in international competitions.”

Conflict between the Government and Fenafuth would bring serious

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