criminals killed a policeman and a civilian

Robert Collins
Robert Collins

Global Courant 2023-04-28 07:55:59

The victims were identified as Nicolás Canteros (25) and Luciano Padrón. Sergio Berni, again, on the spot.

A policeman and an employee were killed on Thursday night during a shootout between the security forces and a group of at least five criminals who tried to rob a charcoal burner from the Zárate district of Buenos Aires.

The violent episode began around 8:00 p.m. in a coal-selling business located at kilometer 13 of Provincial Route 193. Police officers went there after a neighbor alerted them to an assault.

Upon arriving at the crime scene, the criminals greeted the police with “more than 50 shots”, according to what he told the Buenos Aires Security Minister, Sergio Berni, to TN. In addition, the attackers kept captivates a family

It was then that the shooting began that claimed the life of a policeman identified as Nicolás Canteros, 25, who was seriously injured by at least one bullet wound to the abdomen. He was rushed in a patrol car to a nearby hospital, where his death was confirmed.

Nicolás Canteros, the policeman murdered in a coal bunker in Zárate.

In addition, a merchant identified as Luciano Padrón, 22, who worked at the coal store, was also killed after being shot in the head while struggling with the thieves.

Meanwhile, an officer from the Motorized Prevention Group named Ezequiel Romello (37) was shot in the leg and was taken in an ambulance to a health center. According to Berni, who went to the Zárate hospital, the injured policeman is already “quite well.”

At the place, with the progress of the operation, Sergio Berni, the Buenos Aires Minister of Security, arrived again in a repeated appeal of his way of managing. Then the official went to the medical center where they gave medical attention to the injured policeman.

For their part, the thieves fled the place aboard a car along Provincial Route 6, in the direction of the town of Ingeniero Maschwitz. The Police carried out a lockdown operation in search of the murderers.

The versions about his arrest were contradictory, at midnight this Thursday. For his part, Sergio Berni assured that they are still fugitives.

The prosecutor Andrea Palacios, in charge of the Functional Instruction Unit (UFI) 7 of the Judicial Department of Zárate-Campana, intervenes in the case.

Criticism from the opposition: “Who cares for the Argentines?”

“I deeply regret the death of the neighbor of Zárate and the Police at the hands of criminals. Today the State chooses to defend criminals and the police are not supported despite the fact that they risk their lives daily,” councilor Marcelo Matzkin wrote on his twitter account. from Zarate.

For her part, the president of the PRO, Patricia Bullrich, quoted that tweet and claimed: “Who cares for the Argentines? I was in Zárate a few weeks ago and @MarceloMatzkin told me that it is liberated land. Today, two more deaths, one of They are a policeman. THE CRIMINALS ARE NOT GOING TO BEAT US!”

For his part, Cristian Ritondo, a national deputy of JxC, complained: “The neighbors need a government that protects them and supports the security forces. That’s how it is in any normal country. We are going to fight the criminals again. My Condolences to the families and friends of the victims.




criminals killed a policeman and a civilian

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