Crude, opaque and disrespectful trap

Michael Taylor

Global Courant 2023-05-06 11:05:05

The greatest citizen distrust is concentrated in unionists, political parties and deputies, according to the data from the most recent Free Survey, and as a sudden corollary it was learned last Thursday of a secret meeting between the questioned teacher leader Joviel Acevedo, the president of Congress, Shirley Rivera, from the Vamos bench, and deputy Javier Hernández, from the former ruling party FCN-Nación. Although the subject to be discussed was public and in a public building, Legislative personnel prevented the media from entering and only made a pantomime of giving access when the meeting in question had already taken place.

In the meantime there were pushes and attempts to block the journalistic work by Acevedo’s lackeys and congressional employees: an unfortunate spectacle that only increases suspicions about the unionist’s intervention in a matter that is not the responsibility of his union alone, but of all the passive classes of the State. In any case, the secretive conduct of Congresswoman Rivera is not surprising at all, who aspires to re-election in the first box on the list for the district of Guatemala, while Hernández occupies the second box on the national list of his party, along with Former President Jimmy Morales.

The heart of the matter is in the initiative of law 5563, now rejected, partly due to the reappearance of Acevedo, but also due to the anxiety that shakes benches related to the ruling party, especially when seeing the adverse results for multiple parties and the general rejection of citizenship after three and a half years lost between agreements, waste, jobs and delays. He urges them to concoct a possible booty of votes paid with other people’s money.

In this case, the initiative’s objective of ingratiating itself with State pensioners through an increase in the amount of retirements was obvious. A review may be necessary for humanitarian reasons, but other types of programs should also be evaluated. A sudden increase by decree could be an exorbitant and growing burden on the treasury. The ruling party is looking for a way to get hold of the distribution of public funds, as it did with the allocations for mayors and the extensions for supposed road works, which obviously are not working as was drawn in some also secret meeting.

Now Mr. Acevedo wants a piece of the pie and that the passive classes of the teaching profession be included in the increase combo. Nothing else can be deduced from the suspension of classes for two days, from the march of his followers that aggravated the traffic chaos and, above all, from the trap already described. The vociferous and officious aggressiveness of his minions just denotes an underlying gauze and total disrespect for taxpayers.

It’s been almost three decades since Acevedo was dismissed, on December 8, 2008, by the then Minister of Education, because of his absence from work. A court ruling ordered his immediate dismissal. However, he continued in office due to presidential intervention and since then he has been pressing successive governments to achieve benefits without improving educational quality. Instead of ordering the audit of his performance and that of his thread, the leaders appear shaking hands in exchange for concessions and favors that are paid for with an uncertain future for students. And when such abject submission seems insurmountable, the presidential candidate appears taking photos with the masters of subservience.

Crude, opaque and disrespectful trap

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