Dry eyes after vision correction with Lasik

Wang Yan
Wang Yan

Global Courant

Laser Lasik surgery often results in Lasik dry eyes. It’s nothing serious and only lasts a few days, but it’s one of the side effects of the surgery

Think about it. The Lasik surgeon uses the laser to cut a small hinged corneal flap on the surface of your eye. That’s to allow the laser to reshape the inner corneal surface of your eye. After the procedure, the flap must heal and reattach to the surface of the cornea. During the first two days of laser treatment, the eye feels dry and slightly scratchy.

Don’t worry about that valve. It quickly sits comfortably back against the cornea, where it should be. Your eyes can heal themselves and that is exactly what will happen after laser lasik surgery. Now all you have to do is protect your eyes and let the healing take place.

Complete healing of the corneal flap can take up to 24 months. During those months, healing should not be a problem and should not cause a vision problem. Your vision will be corrected much sooner, so all you have to worry about is staying with your Lasik surgeon on your follow-up visits.

Many doctors want your first follow-up appointment to be within 24 hours of your surgery. After Lasik vision surgery, your healing process should be monitored and any adjustments made during the postoperative period.

Eye drops during your postoperative program will prevent the post-Lasik dry eye discomfort that often occurs. You will apply the eye drops for the first two to four weeks after your procedure. The drops help relieve the “Lasik and dry eyes” discomfort that many experience during the initial healing period.

Pain is rare with the procedure. Lasik surgery patients manage every little discomfort with Tylenol or Advil. Anything containing aspirin is not recommended.

Many find that an ice pack held lightly against the treated eye for twenty minutes is very soothing. If you apply the ice for less than 20 minutes, you may not feel the beneficial effects. On the other hand, if you let the ice sit for longer than 20 minutes, it can become more irritating than soothing.

The ice pack should be wrapped in a clean towel before application. Applying the ice pack three or four times a day for 20 minutes for the first two days may provide all the relief needed. Of course, consult your doctor before using the ice pack.

If you have used the eye drops suggested by your doctor and your eyes still feel dry, try wearing sunglasses. Strange as it sounds, photosensitivity can be confused with dry eyes – it feels very similar.

Your risk of complications after Lasik surgery depends on a number of factors. One is the state of your preoperative vision. The worse your eyes were before surgery, the more likely you are to need touch-up surgery.

Touch-up surgery is not uncommon and is usually included in the cost of the Lasik treatment program. It doesn’t happen often, but you should be prepared if your surgeon says it will be necessary.

In most cases, the dramatic improvement in vision with Lasik laser surgery is well worth any minor discomfort you experience. Lasik and dry eyes is the most common complaint and it is short-lived. Just be sensible and protect your eyes after Lasik surgery and enjoy your improved vision.

Dry eyes after vision correction with Lasik

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