Exclusive! Kurti rejects the EU, Vučić lies/ Revealed


Global Courant

The European Union’s special envoy for the Balkans, Miroslav Lajcak, has informed the members of the North Atlantic Council in Brussels about the Kosovo crisis and the talks on its solution.

The report was held this Tuesday afternoon and diplomatic sources informed Top Channel that Lajçak defined that the situation in the north of Kosovo was provoked by the sudden, unnecessary and uncoordinated action of the Kosovo government with KFOR.

According to Lajçak, Kurti wanted to take advantage of the situation to extend control to the north. Meanwhile, violence against KFOR soldiers was committed by local Serbian criminal elements and those from Serbia.

Lajcak said that it was KFOR that stopped the clash between the parties. After this event, the diplomatic action started.

Lajçak’s first meeting in cooperation with American diplomats was with the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, who asked him to withdraw the police, the mayors to work temporarily in another location and to announce elections in the four northern municipalities.

Kurtit asked you to sit at the dialogue table and implement the points of the Ohrid agreement. But according to Lajçak, until now Kurti has not accepted any of the requests.

On Monday, the head of the European Union’s Foreign Policy, Josep Borrell, had a long phone call with Kurti, and the latter again refused to fill in these points.

Lajçak even reports that after the conversation, Kurti wrote a letter to Borrell explaining why these points cannot be fulfilled now.

Meanwhile, the President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani has given signs that she is closer to the requirements of the European Union, especially for the organization of new elections in the north.

From the Serbian side, the demands were presented to President Vucic. He asked him to lower the army’s alert level, convince Serbs to participate in new local elections, and withdraw Serb protesters from municipal buildings. Also, the Serbs should sit at the dialogue table and complete the points of the agreement reached in Ohrid.

Monday was the deadline for fulfilling the first three demands, but Vucic did not keep his promise.

This Tuesday, Lajcak will meet Borrell to talk about the measures that will be taken against the parties to de-escalate the situation.

In cooperation with American partners, the European Union will take concrete measures towards both parties. After seeing the reaction of the parties, the EU and the US will request a high-level Vucic-Kurti meeting in Brussels.

Meanwhile, Lajçak has shown that so far there are 16 draft proposals for the Association of Serbian Municipalities.

The draft presented by Prime Minister Rama is considered very good because it guarantees the rights of the Serbian minority in the north, so that in the future the Association does not get out of control and the territorial integrity of Kosovo is preserved. This draft prevents the creation of a monster Association.

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Exclusive! Kurti rejects the EU, Vučić lies/ Revealed

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