Experienced and professional addiction care

Wang Yan
Global Courant

If you are looking for personalized addiction and detox services in Nova Scotia with many drug and alcohol residential programs, don’t hesitate to search Google for detox center or addiction treatment. You will surely find help for the problems you are currently experiencing.

There are many wellness clinics in Nova Scotia that understand exactly how you feel. There are many factors that contribute to addictions and the addiction counselors believe that treatment is not a standard approach.

Instead of using one standard treatment, many detox centers in Nova Scotia offer personalized treatment plans that individualize the recovery process.

Some specialize in alcohol or drug addictions as there is a great need for these throughout Canada. Family involvement is very welcome and only encourages patients to be more connected and involved in the rehabilitation program.

Family participation in workshops:

  • Education about substance use and abuse
  • Addiction and self-care support
  • Awareness of the signs and steps that typically lead to relapse.
  • Interact with your loved ones in various activities to encourage social connection.
  • Training to establish healthy boundaries that promotes independence from your loved one and shifts the responsibility for recovery from the family to your loved one.
Workshop therapy sessions are important
Many wellness clinics and addiction centers in Canada offer extensive workshops for their patients.

In addition to individual addiction care, some detox centers offer group therapy under the guidance of experienced therapists.

They will also be an opportunity to learn more about drug or alcohol addiction through a series of workshops developed over the last decade that bring together all the essential tools to support you on your way to a strong recovery.

Addiction recovery steps include the following:

  • Triggers, urges and desires: how to recognize and overcome.
  • The psychology of change.
  • Relapse prevention planning.
  • Restore Capital.
  • Goal.
  • Anxiety explained and methods of dealing with it.
  • Dealing with trauma and its effects on our current lives.
  • Healthy communication styles.
  • Reconnect with family and friends.
  • Workplace re-entry skills.
  • Self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • Emotional intelligence.
  • Exposing the myths surrounding anger.
  • Childhood experiences and the impact they have on current life.
  • Codependency.
  • mindfulness.
  • Rationalize irrational thought patterns.
  • Positive psychology.
  • Strengths-based planning.
  • Solution-oriented planning.
Medical treatment and monitoring
Nova Scotia Addiction Service professionals provide medical assessment, treatment, and monitoring under the direction of physicians experienced in treating substance use disorders and withdrawal management.

This includes a comprehensive medical and psychosocial assessment – interview, examination, review of pharmacological history and biological evidence. Personalized treatment plans have been developed and guided by the results of evidence-based diagnostics.

Supervised withdrawal management services under the direction of a physician with 24-hour monitoring by the care team. The physician and nurse team work with the therapeutic team to provide each recovering addict with a holistic treatment experience, including weekly collaborative meetings and team coaching.

Once the patient has recovered from their specific addiction, a follow-up evaluation, schedule, and community medical support plan is created.

Healthy living is important to stay sober
Incorporating a health and wellness program into an intensive substance use/abuse therapeutic program is critical to individuals’ overall treatment plan and to enable them to remain sober long after they leave our wellness detox clinic.

Most addiction rehab professionals understand that giving attention and priority to our client’s body, mind and spirit has an exceptional effect on long-term recovery and is just as important as the therapeutic component. Having the combination of body, mind and soul creates a more comfortable and engaging therapy for clients, where they will recognize that overall wellness and happiness can come from the simplest of things.

Counseling and therapy are important parts of an addiction recovery treatment program. Individuals in recovery learn healthy ways to cope with difficult emotions and behaviors. However, it is difficult for a malnourished brain and body to participate fully in treatment and learn the necessary tools to heal.

When a person with addiction problems decides to get counseling for their drug and/or alcohol addiction, he or she will start a gradual process to reach their full recovery potential that includes several steps.

An important step that sometimes goes unnoticed is the nutritional health status of the client. The main priority of the Recreational Therapy program is to improve and/or maintain the physical, cognitive, social, emotional and spiritual functioning of our clients.

Experienced and professional addiction care

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