Flash floods and landslides hit the east


Global Courant 2023-05-09 11:03:22

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Flash floods and landslides in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) on May 4 and 5 killed nearly 400 people and injured at least 150. the worst affected area.

Ulrich Crepin Namfeibona, emergency coordinator for MSF in South Kivu province, issued the following statement:
The situation in several locations of Kalehe territory is catastrophic after the devastating floods and landslides that hit this part of South Kivu province. Disaster struck overnight and as Thursday was market day, the population in Bushushu was twice its normal size.

Hundreds of people have died, many others remain missing and about 150 injured have already been admitted to various health facilities. Some villages have been completely (wiped out by) the floods, including houses, fields and livestock.

On Saturday, May 6, MSF arrived with an emergency team in the two most affected areas – the villages of Bushushu and Nyamukubi – to support local authorities and the Ministry of Health. In Nyamukubi, about half of the village has been destroyed. Due to the floods, the main road between Nyamukubi and Kalehe is no longer (usable), which hinders the arrival of humanitarian aid.

The most urgent need for MSF was to organize the evacuation of seriously injured people to ensure they receive proper medical care in time. Today, our team succeeded in referring 36 patients by boat to hospitals in Kalehe and Bukavu. We also donated body bags, medicines and medical supplies to various health facilities (that treat) (injured) patients. We will continue to monitor the situation in the (coming) days to assess medical and humanitarian needs.

Poor living and sanitation conditions in the aftermath of flooding create a high risk of disease, such as skin infections and diarrhoea, especially in this area close to Lake Kivu, where cholera is endemic.

Shelter, food and other basic supplies are urgently needed for these communities that have lost everything. We also see children who have lost their parents and need protection.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Doctors Without Borders (MSF).

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Flash floods and landslides hit the east

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