Four factors essential for therapy

Wang Yan

Global Courant


I would never claim that I have all the answers to your problems, or that I can solve them all. However, I do believe in the power of talk therapy to make a profound and positive difference in people’s lives and help them achieve their goals. I see four key factors that make therapy useful (below), and I draw on multiple theories to address each client’s unique issues.

1. Therapeutic Relationship: First, having a supportive and trusting relationship with a counselor can be therapeutic in itself. Knowing that I will not be judgmental and that I will accept you as you are, even as I help you achieve your goals, can be a new experience for people. This can be especially important for people who have been hurt in the past, who have trouble trusting or feeling safe, and who have relationship problems.

2. Emotional Experience: Second, therapy offers an opportunity for emotional experience and processing. Research has shown that this is a powerful and useful experience. For some, this comes naturally, and it’s comforting to have a place where they can process their emotions safely. But it’s especially useful for people who tend to avoid their emotions (and therefore avoid dealing with their problems). Fear of emotions is a major obstacle to overcome, and learning to manage them is an important skill to learn.

3. Learning: Another critical element of therapy is the opportunity to learn. This can be the kind of learning that comes naturally from thinking about your life events and suddenly gaining insight. Or it can be more didactic, as in the case of coping skills, communication skills or any other skills. It is especially important to learn more about yourself by observing your emotions, thoughts, and behavior patterns, or by looking back at past events that affect you to this day. Learning psychological principles about what is healthy versus unhealthy can also be helpful when applied to your specific situation.

4. Practice New Behaviors: Finally, therapy gives you the opportunity to practice new behaviors. Whether you practice them in sessions or between sessions, new behaviors translate what you’ve learned into action. Easier said than done and it takes time and patience, but practicing healthy new behaviors can have a lasting impact on your life, emotions and relationships. Of course, it’s up to you to decide what behavior you want to change and how. Ultimately, you are in charge of your own life and only you can steer it in the direction you want it to go. Every time you practice a new behavior, you’re taking a step toward your goal.

Four factors essential for therapy

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