“From the new Congress Palace to the Art Museum


Global Courant 2023-05-07 00:32:34

In the meeting with the residents of Units 4, 8 and 9, the SP candidate for Triana, Erion Veliaj said that he is proud of the work that has been done in Tirana.

From New Boulevard, where the meeting was held, the mayor counted the new investments that will be made in that space and that will significantly increase the value of the property.

“Here will be the new building of the Municipality of Tirana for the next 100 years. Coming to the municipality, the government of Edi Rama and our municipality, gives a signal that we believe in this project of Tirana that grows on this backbone. At the beginning of New Boulevard will be the Supreme Court. A little further down will be the General Prosecutor’s Office. As soon as we finished the race, at the third traffic light will be the new Palace of Congresses. Opposite the third traffic light will be the Museum of Modern Art. By bringing six public institutions here, we give confidence, we give hope to the New Boulevard project. We have also determined a space for the new mosque on New Boulevard. At the end of the Boulevard we will have an extraordinary square, in symmetry with “Mother Teresa” square. With Rakip in Kamëz, where we will win convincingly, just like in Kavajë, we will build 7 bridges because the majority of the population of Kamëz comes and works every day in Tirana and returns every night to Kamëz. We have success in common and we don’t have the river to divide us, but to unite us”, said Veliaj.

The Head of the Municipality called on the citizens of Tirana not to think about the troubles of those rubles or the troubles of non grata, which only block good works, but to think about the present and the future of their families.

“Will we continue backwards or will we move forward and catch up on the lost time of those who themselves do no work, but prevent anyone else from doing a job? My invitation today, in addition to welcoming all those who have joined us from other forces, is that in this last week we communicate with anyone who may not have thought like us. Let’s look them in the eye and say: Is your family the most precious thing? More expensive than all the parties in the world? If family is your most precious thing, when you have a good nursery for your family, is it worth it for us to keep moving forward? If your family is the most expensive party and there is a better garden in your family like the ones we have built, is it worth it to keep pushing forward for such gardens? If today the children of unit 4, 8, 9 go to school like the new “Jeronim De Rada”, like “Sami Frashëri”, like “Ardian Klosi”, like “Kiço Blushi”, like “Sevasti Qirjazi”, like “Kristo Frashëri “, like “Vaçe Zela”, like “Hasan Vogli”, like “Qazim Turdiu” – if these schools have made life better for your family, don’t you agree that we should continue with such works? If your house that was worth X amount of money in 2015, today according to all indicators thanks to cleanliness, thanks to urban design, thanks to lighting, thanks to security today it is worth two or three times more, this is a good thing and this is a motivation that Tirana continue to move forward?”, emphasized Veliaj.

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“From the new Congress Palace to the Art Museum

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