Gentian Zenelaj revolted: Politicians


Global Courant 2023-04-29 01:23:48

Actor Gentian Zenelaj has expressed his outrage at the promises of the electoral campaign, which he calls empty.

Invited this evening to “Let me speak”, Zenelaj said that the campaign has been degraded with only two sentences, promises of salary increases and bragging rights, but according to him, no one knows the real problems of the citizens.

“They started with trams, trains, helicopters, airports, and today the campaign has degraded to the point where only two sentences are said. Pay attention, pay attention and pay attention. There is no longer any electoral campaign at all. If before a tram could be promised, it was given with a project and figures, today there are only two sentences: salary increase and tallavana.

It’s a bit insulting to treat the people as the talava people. The people, if they were human, live 365 days of the year, not just campaign days. These Albanian politicians live in a bubble, they have no idea what happens to the people, how the citizens do with these salaries and pensions, we make promises in the air” – said the actor.

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Gentian Zenelaj revolted: Politicians

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