GOP Mega Donors Liz and Dick Uihlein Simply Misplaced One other Battle…


International Courant

In a June 2 letter to village administrator Drew Irvin, the Uihleins wrote, “Given the scale of our 22-acre Lake Bluff property, we wish to request an analogous two-year exemption.”

They added that battery-powered leaf blowers “simply cannot get the job achieved as effectively and are, in actual fact, as noisy as gas-powered blowers.”

Village president Regis Charlot referred the Uihleins’ request to the village’s Sustainability and Group Enhancement Committee, which mentioned the difficulty however rejected the request, Irvin instructed POLITICO’s Illinois Playbook.

Village directors unanimously overruled the Uihleins’ request at their June 27 board assembly. based on the Pioneer Presswho first wrote in regards to the challenge.

“There are instruments that can be utilized,” trustee Marietta Hance instructed Pioneer Press. “This can be a non-public household asking the group to make an exemption for them. It does not match with what we have determined.”

The Uihleins, who didn’t reply to requests for remark, are among the many largest Republican donors within the nation. They’ve been criticized for losing tens of millions of {dollars} on failed long-term candidates — together with a number of in 2022, similar to Illinois gubernatorial candidate Darren Bailey and Arkansas Senate hopeful Jake Bequette.

The couple’s mixed political donations to federal candidates and charities over the previous decade exceed $230 million, based on marketing campaign finance knowledge.

This report first appeared within the July 13 version of Illinois Playbook. Enroll right here to obtain the e-newsletter.

GOP Mega Donors Liz and Dick Uihlein Simply Misplaced One other Battle…

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