Global Courant 2023-04-28 01:52:18
With the increase in life expectancy, people over 60 must carry more and more habits to take care of their health. And in that sense, food plays a decisive role in making the click.
Already past the sixth decade of life, surely more than once the typical “afflictions” of age appeared: muscle pain, bone pain, skin wrinkles and not to mention more complex diseases.
In this sense, a healthy and balanced diet and regular physical activity are essential when it comes to daily routine. But they are of little use if, on the other hand, some harmful habits for health continue to be repeated.
Healthy habits for older adults after 60 years. Photo Shutterstock.
The reference does not have to do with those toxins that we know are very harmful, such as drinking alcohol or smoking, but rather those that are more “invisible”.
Leading a sedentary life, without a doubt, threatens an improvement, and it is easy to detect and with a predisposition to correct.
However, there are some related to food and nutrition that many people over 60 overlook. And it is convenient to review to enjoy a better quality of life.
little protein intake
Grilled chicken, like meat, parlor and eggs provide protein. Photo: Gerardo Dell’Oro
“Eating more protein helps maintain muscle mass and strength, bone health, and is one of the best ways to help with your weight loss efforts,” says Courtney D’Angelo, a physician and dietitian consulted by the magazine. Eat This Not That
Of course, it is useful not only after the age of 60 but at any age.
“Those who are older are more at risk of losing muscle mass, so not eating enough protein could speed up the process,” adds D’Angelo, who is also a book author like Fit Healthy Momma’.
Thus, he suggests incorporating more foods such as eggs, salmon, beef or chicken (always grilled so that it does not contain bad fats).
Not drinking enough water
Drinking ahua is key to hydration. Photo Shutterstock.
Perhaps one of the most mentioned points has to do with hydration. “As you get older, the feeling of thirst tends to lessen,” says Lisa Young, a dietitian and nutritionist. And she adds: “For example, older people tend to get dehydrated more than young people.”
It is therefore important to note that according to the mayo clinicit is convenient to ingest between two and three liters of water daily, which would be equivalent to about eight or nine glasses of 25 or 33 centilitres.
eat out of hours
The habit of eating at the wrong time can cause health problems, even if it does not appear on the radar.
Eating out of hours can lead to being overweight. Photo Shutterstock.
It happens that it implies disrupting sleep rhythms or suffering more periods of insomnia, which will prevent the body and mind from regenerating easily during the night’s rest, summarizes the publication.
“Eating at odd hours in excess is associated with sudden weight gains, greater fluctuations in blood sugar, and thereby increasing the likelihood of diabetes,” warns Young.
Not getting more fiber
Specialists point out that it is one of the worst eating habits when it comes to taking care of health.
Fiber-rich foods, such as whole grains, legumes, and vegetables. Photo Shutterstock.
“Be sure to include fiber in your diet to nourish the beneficial bacteria that live in your gut to improve nutrient absorption, reduce inflammation, and boost your mood,” she advises. Kara Landauan expert dietitian in prebiotics at Uplisftfood.
What should you eat more often, then? Legumes, green leafy vegetables and whole wheat bread.