Hakeem Jeffries will not commit to a short term

Nabil Anas

Global Courant 2023-05-07 19:26:05

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, DN.Y., would not commit to supporting a short-term debt ceiling extension on Sunday and urged a “clean” debt ceiling increase, in an exclusive interview on “Meet the Press,” as congressional leaders in remain deadlocked to work out a deal.

Asked by NBC News’ Chuck Todd if he accepts the premise that the Democrats won’t get a clean debt ceiling raise, Jeffries said, “I don’t because we have a constitutional responsibility to make sure we have the full faith and honor of the United States.”

“Ordinary Americans understand this principle: if you have a bill, pay it,” he added. “If you don’t pay it. It will have a negative impact on your credit rating, your credit score will go down. If your credit score goes down, your costs go up and if America doesn’t pay our bills, that’s exactly what’s going to happen. And everyone is going to pay the price.”

The White House is considering trying to broker a short-term debt ceiling extension to allow more time to weather a larger hike, five sources familiar with the matter told NBC News last week — a three-week backstop to the current deadline in June .

Jeffries argued that “the only responsible” action would be to help President Joe Biden raise the debt ceiling and avoid a default, as the Democrats did three times during the Trump administration.

Asked if a short-term solution is the best way forward, Jeffries said: “Well, I don’t think it’s responsible to kick the can on the road when President Biden has been saying for months: Leader Schumer’s position, the Democrats’ position in the House – has been that we must avoid a default.”

“America must pay its bills. Protect the full confidence and honor of the United States of America,” he said.

House Republicans are pushing to tie spending cuts to a debt ceiling raise, while Democrats are hesitant to negotiate paying the country’s bills or default. Democrats, opposing the policy conditions, have pushed for a clean increase in the debt limit. They want Congress to negotiate cuts that Republicans have demanded in the government’s separate funding process, which has a Sept. 30 deadline.

Jeffries said Democrats are open to discussions about what types of investments, spending and income are “appropriate” to protect the “health, safety and economic well-being” of the American people.

“That’s a process that’s available to us now,” he said. “I don’t think we should postpone those talks for a few months.”

Jeffries’ comments come before he and other congressional leaders are scheduled to meet with Biden this week to discuss the impending debt limit deadline, which could be as early as June 1.

Hakeem Jeffries will not commit to a short term

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