He slit his ex-partner’s throat in front of their son

Robert Collins

Global Courant 2023-04-27 08:16:49

Exequiel Lucas Domínguez murdered Jésica Maribel Soliz on May 20, 2021 in Salta. “I didn’t want to kill her, I don’t understand what happened, he justified himself.

A man was sentenced this Wednesday to life imprisonment for the femicide of his ex-partner, Jésica Maribel Soliz, whose throat he slit on May 20, 2021 in front of his 7-year-old son in the chicken shop he attended in the city of Salta.

Sources from the Public Ministry of Salta reported that, after deliberating, the judges of Chamber VI of the Trial Court, Guillermo Pereyra, Mónica Mukdsy and José Luis Riera, released the verdict, by which they sentenced Exequiel Lucas Domínguez, 32 years to life in prison.

In addition, they ordered the extraction of genetic material from the convicted person by the Molecular Biology Service of the Technical Department of the Tax Investigation Corps (CIF), for its incorporation into the Genetic Data Bank.

In the first hearing of the trial, which took place on April 11, Domínguez admitted having committed the crime after being insulted by the victim, but justified himself: “I did not want to kill her, I do not understand what happened.”

The man came to the oral and public process accused of the crime of homicide qualified by the pre-existing relationship and for mediating gender violence to the detriment of his ex-partner and the mother of his 7-year-old son.

Meanwhile, his current partner, Rocío del Milagro Farfán, 27, who was with him at the time of the incident and with whom he has a three-year-old daughter, was charged as a secondary participant in the same crime. However, the judges decided to acquit her by withdrawing the tax accusation against her.

The story of the femicide: “I didn’t want to kill her”

At the time of testifying in the trial, Exequiel Lucas Domínguez admitted the femicide, but justified himself: “I didn’t want to kill her, I don’t understand what happened.” According to his story, he reacted after his ex-partner insulted him in the middle of an argument. Of that, he assured that he did not remember anything else.

In addition, he explained that at the time of the crime he was separated from Soliz and already lived with Farfán in a house located just 60 meters from the victim’s home.

On Soliz’s property there was a chicken shop where she worked with Farfán. According to Domínguez, the relationship between the two women “was good.”

Regarding the day of the crime, on May 20, 2021, Dominguez said that he decided to go to the chicken shop to find some tools he needed and to talk to his ex-partner about the possibility of going back to work at the store, since they had agreed that he didn’t go anymore because of their continuous arguments.

Noticing that a clamp was missing, she began to complain to her ex-partner, who responded with insults and even went out on the sidewalk to call the police. Then, Domínguez saw the Tramontina knife that they used in the chicken shop and, according to his account, from then on he no longer remembers what happened.

According to the investigation, Domínguez injured his ex-partner with a knife in the neck area, in front of their son, and then picked her up and took her to the sidewalk, where she tried to stop the bleeding with a piece of clothing.

“The next thing I remember is that I was at the door and Rocío was yelling for them to call an ambulance. I managed to take off my shirt to cover the wound. We wanted to put her on a motorcycle to take her to the hospital, ”she said.

And he continued: “When we were outside, a policeman came, asked who had done that and I told him it was me. The officer took her pulse and she was still alive. Then the ambulance arrived, they put gauze on her and I went alone to the patrol car.




He slit his ex-partner’s throat in front of their son

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