He stayed at his in-laws’ house and had a

Robert Collins

Global Courant 2023-05-20 04:51:16

The bad moment that a young woman starred in at her boyfriend’s parents’ house. Her story went viral.

The holidays were the perfect excuse to meet and enjoy. They were together, living under one roof. In the midst of coexistence, a situation occurred that would make more than one uncomfortable.

A US citizen was involved in a scatological accident in the bathroom of her in-laws’ house. The anecdote captured the attention of millions of people.

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The woman, known in the networks as @kennedyallegedly, assured that during her vacation she crossed the entire United States by plane until she reached the home of her partner’s parents.

Story. He added millions of views on his account. Photo: Capture/@kennedyallegedly.

“It was the first time I knew his house,” he reported through a video posted on his account. She stayed on the property and began to live with her boyfriend and his parents for a few days.

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bad time in the bathroom

On December 15, 2022, according to her story, the young woman woke up and felt like evacuating her physiological needs. “I felt like doing the ‘second,’ so I went to the bathroom,” she narrated.

Once he was done, he tried to flush. However, she didn’t make it and she immediately became nervous. “The toilet didn’t work, it wouldn’t flush. This was already a nightmare,” she said.

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Lavatory. He removed the lid of the tank. Photo: Capture/@kennedyallegedly.

As a result of this reason, in an attempt to get out of the moment gracefully, she began to think of a solution. “I said to myself, ‘I’m going to get down to business and fix this on my own,'” she said.

A few seconds later, the young woman removed the lid of the toilet tank with the idea of ​​checking the chain mechanism. She then accidentally dropped the lid on the floor, causing the piece to break.

@kennedyallegedly he now had two “big” problems: the toilet was broken and his waste was still floating in the water. “This is too humiliating. I need help, pray for me,” she joked about it.

Top. The piece fell to the floor and broke. Photo: Capture/@kennedyallegedly.

Luckily for her, her boyfriend came to the rescue and took ownership of the deed. Soon, the man called her mom and told her that he broke the toilet after going to the bathroom. In this way, he covered the couple from her.

In the end, they managed to repair the toilet and buy a new lid. The parents of the young woman’s couple took the matter in the best way.

The video added more than 4.3 million views. “What a good boyfriend you have. You should marry him,” said an Internet user. “It’s what I want,” @kennedyallegedly replied. “He loves you,” another added.

“You made me laugh non-stop and my mother forced me to show her the video. In the end, we both laughed at the anecdote,” said an Internet user.

Photo: capture/@kennedyallegedly.

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He stayed at his in-laws’ house and had a

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