“Here we are not in a pigsty,” says Roberto

Michael Taylor

Global Courant 2023-05-22 19:37:47

San Pedro Sula.

For today at 10:00 am the Mayor Roberto Contreras convened the corporate plenary session number 63. This is the fourth consecutive time that it has done so, in the previous three there was no quorum.

The last time six aldermen excused themselves before the Municipal secretary and they presented a letter in which they explained their reasons: in short, they demanded respect from the mayor and showed their disagreement about the way in which some city issues are being dealt with.

In all sessions there are clashes and the minutes record everything. Number 61 was worse as stated in the minutes that have not yet been ratified. Number 62 was the open meeting held.


The session started well and various items were discussed, approved, withdrawn and denied. The interference of some officials of the mayor’s office in the sessions was evident, which generates discomfort in the councilors and disrespectful phrases from the mayor to the councilors such as: “Here we are not in a pigsty”, said the mayor when they asked to speak.

But, the mood heated up at various points in session 61. Several corporations had already announced their participation and they did so.

The motion presented by the mayor so that the Councilor Nory Collins will coordinate the committee of the “juniana fair”. There was a quorum and the mayor gave the floor to the councilor Carmen Elena Paz:

“I allow myself to request the following, given that, in Ordinary Session No.58, which took place on Thursday 04/13/2023, a special investigation report carried out at the request of the administration of this municipality,” he said.

“The information was received after the session and, that is why, today that I already have information, I would like to respectfully request that you send us some reports on specific issues, which are mentioned in the report, but that we, for at least my person does not have those reports at hand, to have the proper support and to be able to support the recommendations given by the Superior Court of Accountssame that could have a negative effect on the finances of this administration and, this only, with the purpose of safeguarding the interests of the sampedrano town”, he added.


Mayor Roberto Contreras explained on Friday that he reached a negotiation with the Sulambiente company to avoid paying higher costs.

The company explained that the municipality owes 16 months of service in the current administration. During that time, it has refused to pay the two rate components in road cleaning estimates.

At this time, in order not to suspend the service that Sulambiente provides in the city, the MSPS will pay the part that corresponds only to the basic rate, pending the administrative claim that contains the collection of higher costs, or economic-financial balance of the contract.

Later they gave him the floor Councilor José Antonio Riverawho moved and summarized the topic of the TSC report in the case of your environment.

He began by asking the mayor if he thought the right thing was being done. The mayor intervenes and says:

“Excuse me for interrupting you, alderman. Is it necessary for this to remain in corporation session?” And Councilor Rivera answered “Yes.” The mayor asks again: “Can we continue dealing with it outside of corporation session?” Rivera’s response was “No, mayor. I want it to be on the record ”, and he addresses the municipal secretary.

“Lawyer, I am not saying that higher costs are paid to Sulambiente, but that my interventions be recorded. Do you know why? Because the Law of the Superior Court of Accounts, in article 80 says: “However, the hierarchical superior who demonstrates that, at the time of the authorization, based his decision on the principle of trust or that he dictated the measures and that were not complied with by the repaired public servant’”.

Then he took the floor Councilor Armando Calidonio to second the topic. “Yes, thank you very much. In the same way, I want to second, that is a topic that there is no other way to see it. The Superior Court of Accounts orders what must be done and we must comply; It is one thing that we like it, another thing is that we agree, another thing, that is completely separate, but the administration has to comply, I don’t know why they sent us that to the corporation, because it is an eminently administrative issue, but now that they made us part of that, I had to make many evaluations in this regard. In fact, as the report says, the payments of higher costs were suspended because we had doubts about it, but now they are practically giving a mandate… Me too, as a municipal councilor, not only to save my responsibility”.

The mayor takes the floor again and says: “I will keep you informed, just as I gave you that report, you will be kept informed of everything you need. I am trying my best to avoid the media, which is why the statement we made at the press conference did not even include questions and answers. And I make it clear in this Corporation Session that if the Municipality of San Pedro Sula is forced to pay higher costs, before paying higher costs, I am going to resign as mayor of the city. The city does not have to pay higher costs.”

The motion presented by Councilor Rivera to respond to the report to the TSC was seconded by Armando Calidonio, Elena Paz, Francis Rodriguez, Vincent Lopez, Ericelda Leonardo.

The mayor asked Councilor Rivera to withdraw that motion, but it was not withdrawn and before the rest of the councilors gave their opinion, Mayor Contreras closed the session and not everyone was able to speak, so today the councilors are expected to attend the session and the mayor must resume the session for the corporations to finish voting.

Today is a crucial day for the mayor because it is about recovering leadership within his plenary session.

“Here we are not in a pigsty,” says Roberto

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