Hondurans flee rude DeSantis law

Michael Taylor

Global Courant 2023-05-29 10:42:38

San Pedro Sula

A rap sounds in the background. Is the singer Honduran MR JC the one of the Palabreo the one who sings it…

“One Monday morning I turn on the television and see Ron DeSantis talking about migration. I sit on the sofa and pay close attention to it, history repeats itself in a different location…Ill be thankful, you already forgot that Latinos Florida we build. Which is the racism, leave selfishness if in the eyes of God here we are all the same. As an American citizen, I feel discriminated against, in approving that if an undocumented person is with a resident, he will also be fined. You would rather have been fired because you have the brains of a worm. Here the whole race is with my brothers. This is for Honduras, Guatemala and my Mexicans, also Salvadorans, Venezuela and Colombians. Uff, for all Latinos too”.

The song that he promised to end if it reached more than 500 comments on TikTok already has almost 700, and it is an affront to the governor of the state of Florida, Ron DeSantisone of the four Republican candidates who want to succeed the president of the United States, Joe Bidenin the power.


The Honduran sings with feeling, with anger and rage. The governor recently promulgated SB 1718, considered the most restrictive and rude because it will affect not only illegal immigrants, but also legal immigrants and all those US citizens who support them simply by taking them in their cars, moving them to a hospital or give them a job.

You can read: “Without us there is no Florida,” migrants say to DeSantis in a massive march

The consequences of this law, which has already been approved and which will enter into force on July 1, are palpable throughout the state of Florida, where more than 770,000 illegal migrants live, mostly Central Americans, Cubans and Venezuelans, according to he Migration Policy Institutebased in Washington, DC.

Strawberry, mango and staple crop losses are already being reported in mid- and northern Florida as immigrants have left their jobs.


> The September 15 Foundation will protest on June 1 in Tampa against “this racist and inhumane law.”

The same thing happens in hotels and restaurants in the south of the state due to the fear of being booked.

Just on Friday, the president of the Florida Democratic Party, Nikki Fried, denounced that entire families of undocumented workers are leaving the state and, therefore, the “crops rot” since they are not harvested in the fields and there are few employees in essential sectors because of the migration policy of DeSantis.

He added that the three engines of Florida, agriculture, tourism and construction, the “backbone of the Florida economy”, will suffer in the short, medium and long term because of the SB1718 law due to their dependence on undocumented labor, he said.

According to Fried, it is estimated that they live in Florida, a state of more than 21 million inhabitants, almost 800,000 undocumented. 60% of Florida agricultural workers are in an irregular migratory situation and, therefore, are threatened by the law of DeSantis.

It is that, among other things, the law signed by DeSantis establishes that all companies with more than 25 workers must confirm the legal status of their new employees through the E-Verify system -a website that allows verifying the employability of an immigrant from a legal point of view- as of July 1 when the rule comes into force.

On this, the Honduran artist who has made several topics famous on immigrationin conversation with THE PREMIUM PRESSpointed out that unfortunately DeSantis is using the same strategy that you used Donald Trump.

“He does and says what he has to do in order to get what he needs. Ron DeSantis knows that there is no bad possibility, and knows that when talking about Latinos here in USA everything is going to turn around. And of course it affects our countrymen from Honduras, but not only to them, but to all Latinos. Many people have left here in Florida for the same thing, ”he lamented.

Although there are 32 days left for SB 1718 to take effect, there is already fear and many Hondurans have chosen to leave their jobs and others have left for other states.

“This law has been affecting everyone in the state of Floridaboth residents and citizens. There are people who live with those who do not have documents and face fines for the mere fact of receiving them. There is fear because the most extremists, in this case businessmen, choose to fire the immigrants so as not to expose themselves to fines,” said the Honduran resident in a city 40 minutes from FloridaJose Luis Cardona.

They propose the Dignity Law

> Congresswomen María Elvira Salazar, R-Fla., and Verónica Escobar, D-Texas, called their proposal “The Dignity Act.” The bill consists of four basic principles: (1) stop illegal immigration, (2) provide a dignified solution for undocumented immigrants living in the United States, (3) strengthen the American workforce and economy, and (4) ensure that America remains prosperous and competitive well into the future. In other words, they are proposing to increase border security, provide asylum, legalization as a path to citizenship, protect American workers, and changes to legal immigration (to the H-2 visa program), as well as reduce traffic gridlock. Immigration Service and Immigration Court.

Those who work in construction and have already set up their own company at the moment do not feel the impact of the actions of DeSantis; however, he knows that sooner or later they will affect him.

“Here there is work for everyone, but let’s be clear, there are jobs that the Americans themselves are not willing to do. For example, I myself would not go to work in the fields as a day laborer or on the “roof” (install roofs). My respects to them, since they work from sunup to sundown and for bad wages, ”he said.

Cardona explained that because fear has seized many immigrants, some have chosen to leave the state or have decided to leave their jobs in the areas, mainly crop fields, for fear of raids.

“Unfortunately the immigrant is caught like a guinea pig, politically speaking. What is heard here is that DeSantis He wants to be more Trump than Trump, due to the policy that the former president maintains, he has even already run for president, and unfortunately that is the campaign that he brings,” he stated.


From the legal level, Carlos Pereiraa Honduran immigration attorney and political adviser who has held important government posts, points out that SB1718 is already causing chaos.

“It is estimated that some 400,000 Hondurans live throughout the state, we could say that half are legal and the other half are not. But this law affects us all, because if I have papers and they stop me transporting an undocumented person, they will take me to a jail where I will be imprisoned for 30 days and they will fine me $10,000, while the undocumented person will be imprisoned and deported,” he lamented.


> Truckers have refused to enter the state of Florida in protest of DeSantis’ law.

He pointed out that several Latino organizations of all nationalities are pressing to stop this law, which is understood to have been created to measure forces with Donald Trump, now a rival of DeSantis.

“Their political ambitions should not and cannot be based on the weakest and most vulnerable people,” lamented Pereira, who called “mediocre” DeSantis for trying to seize strength with someone’s weakness.

Elena Toledo, executive director Eléutera: There is a double standard in the American discourse

“This law that comes into effect in July goes against the very nature of the state of Florida, which has historically been open to immigration, particularly Cubans, who started this route, to open doors to this economic dynamic ( …). And there are Hondurans living in many specific cities that hardly speak English, but more Spanish, and that’s because of the immigrant community. The SB1718 law draws attention because it goes against this population by making it difficult for them to do a job, or to acquire a home. Ron DeSantis has already launched his candidacy and is known for holding positions very similar to those of Donald Trump. At this time, whether in the United States or Honduras, or whatever country it is, politicians must put the welfare of society before their political interests. As politicians, they do not bet on the Latino vote, but on the merely North American vote, which is why the immigration issue becomes so latent. The Republican will always go to the protectionist side of his economy, of the jobs of US citizens, and against those who come to invade them, because that is how they see the immigration issue. There is a double standard in the American political discourse because labor is necessary and they use legal loopholes to let them pass at the borders.

Hondurans flee rude DeSantis law

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