How All Americans Can Celebrate Juneteenth

Nabil Anas
Nabil Anas

Global Courant

For over a century and a half the Juneteenth holiday has been sacred to many black communities.

It marks the day in 1865 enslaved people in Galveston, Texas heard they had been released – after the end of the Civil War and two years after President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation.

Since it was declared a federal holiday in 2021, Juneteenth has become more widely recognized outside of Black America. Many people get the day off from work or school, and there are an abundance of street festivals, fairs, concerts and other events.

People who have never given the June 19 holiday more than a passing thought may wonder: Is there a “right” way to celebrate Juneteenth?

For beginners and those brushing up on history, here are some answers:


It just depends on what you want. Juneteenth festivities are rooted in cookouts and barbecues. Early in the holiday celebrated as Black Americans’ true Independence Day, the great outdoors spawned large, raucous reunions between formerly enslaved families, many of whom had been separated. The meetings were especially revolutionary because they were free of restrictive measures, known as “Black Codes,” imposed in Southern states that controlled freed slaves’ ability to vote, purchase property, gather for worship, and other aspects of daily life.

Alan Freeman, 60, grew up celebrating Juneteenth every year in Houston, 50 miles north of Galveston. A comedian who produces Galveston’s first-ever Juneteenth Comedy Festival on Saturday has vivid memories of the smoke that permeated his entire neighborhood as so many people used their barbecues for celebratory cookouts. You could go to someone’s house and be welcomed to join the feast, which includes grilled chicken and beef and other regional cuisines – marinated meats, fried fish, Jamaican plantains.

“This is where I really started to see black unity because I realized that was the only day African Americans considered ours,” Freeman said. “The only vacation that was ours. We didn’t have to share it with anyone. And it was about freedom, because we understood that we were freed from slavery. But there were so many great activities.”

Others may choose to treat Juneteenth as a day of rest and remembrance. That may mean doing community service, attending an education panel, or taking time off.

The important thing is to make people feel like they have options to observe the opportunity, said Dr. David Anderson, a black minister and CEO of Gracism Global, a consulting firm that helps leaders navigate conversations that bridge lines between race and culture.

“Like Martin Luther King’s holiday, we say it’s a day of service and many people will do things. There are many other people who just say, “I appreciate Dr. King, I’ll watch what’s on the television and I’m going to rest,” Anderson said. “I don’t want people to feel guilty about that. What I want to do is give ordinary people a choice.”


Anderson, 57, from Columbia, Maryland, never did anything on Juneteenth in his youth. He didn’t learn about it until he was in his thirties.

“I think a lot of people don’t know about it — who even have my color as an African-American male. Even if you heard about it and knew about it, you didn’t celebrate it,” Anderson said. “It was like it was just part of history. It was not a celebration of history.”

For many African Americans, the farther away from Texas they grew up, the more likely they were not to regularly have large Juneteenth parties. In the South, the day may vary based on when word of emancipation reached each state.

Anderson has no special event planned other than giving his employees Friday and Monday off. At least Anderson is thinking about the fact that this weekend is Father’s Day.

“If I can unite Father’s Day and Juneteenth to be with my family and honor them, that would be great,” he said.


Search online and you’ll find a smorgasbord of big-city and suburban gatherings, all varying in scope and tone. Some are more carnival-like festivals with food trucks, crafts, and parades. Within those festivals, you’re likely to find access to healthcare, finance, and community resources professionals. There are also concerts and fashion shows to highlight black excellence and creativity. For those who want to look back, numerous organizations and universities host panels to remind people of Juneteenth’s history.


Barbeque aside, the color red has been a through line for Juneteenth food for generations. Red symbolizes the bloodshed and sacrifice of enslaved ancestors. A Juneteenth menu might include items such as barbecued ribs or other red meat, watermelon, and red velvet cake. Drinks like fruit punch and red Kool-Aid are allowed on the table.


Dr. Karida Brown, a sociology professor at Emory University whose research focuses on race, said there’s no reason to feel uncomfortable acknowledging Juneteenth because you don’t have a personal connection or because you’re not black. In fact, embrace it.

“I would rephrase that and challenge my non-black people who want to lean into Juneteenth and celebrate it,” Brown said. “It is absolutely your history. It is definitely part of your experience. … Isn’t this all of our history? The good, the bad, the ugly, the story of emancipation and freedom for your black brothers and sisters under the constitution of the law.

If you want to add some authenticity to your Juneteenth acknowledgment, educate yourself. Attending a street festival or patronizing a black-owned business is a good start, but it would also be good to “make your mind better,” Anderson said.

“That lasts longer than a party,” Anderson said. “I think black people should do it too, because it’s new to us, in America, too. But for non-black people, if they could read about this topic and read about the history of Black beyond Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks, it would show me that you are really serious about growing in this field.

If you’re struggling with how to mark the day “ethically,” Brown also suggested expanding your knowledge of why the holiday is so important. That could be by reading, attending an event, or going to an African-American history museum if there is one nearby.

“Have that full human experience of seeing yourself in and through the eyes of others, even if that’s not your own lived experience,” she said. “That’s a radical human act that is great and should be encouraged and celebrated.”


Over the decades, Juneteenth has also been referred to as Freedom Day, Emancipation Day, Black Fourth of July, and Second Independence Day, among others.

“Because 1776, the 4th of July, where we celebrate freedom and freedom and all that, my descendants weren’t part of that,” Brown said. “Black people in America were still enslaved. So that that holiday always has a bittersweet touch.”


It’s typical to wish people a “Happy Juneteenth” or “Happy Teenth,” said Freeman, the comedian.

“You know how people say ‘Merry Christmas’ to each other at Christmas and don’t even know each other? You can get a ‘Merry Christmas’ from anyone. This is the same way,” Freeman said.

No matter what race you’re from, you’ll “definitely” raise a smile when you say either greeting, he said.

“I believe that a non-black person celebrating Juneteenth … it’s their only time to have a voice, to participate.”

How All Americans Can Celebrate Juneteenth

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