How to improve sexual desire and response

Robert Collins

Global Courant 2023-05-08 09:01:25

Although no two people are identical in the world, there are methods and customs to enhance sexuality.

Although each person has a different sexual appetite, a low libido can be due to health problems, medication use, certain mental health conditions, stress or other psychological issues.

Variations in sexual appetite are something completely normal that can change depending on certain circumstances and have more to do with satisfaction than with the physiological pleasure of reaching orgasm.

For Dolores Rueda, a psychologist with a degree in psychology, a specialist in sexology, “low sexual desire is a problem when it causes anguish, but there are no stereotyped responses that serve and excite everyone equally. In fact, some people want to have sex several times a day, while others don’t even want it. But how to improve sexual desire and sexual response?

How to improve sexual desire and sexual response

How to improve sexual desire and sexual response. methods. Tips.

Beyond the fact that variations in sexual desire are normal and natural, there are some tips that can be implemented to increase it. Let’s see the following recommendations:

1. Reduce stress

How to improve sexual desire and sexual response. Stress, the enemy of desire./ Photo: Shutterstock.

Stress is one of the main factors associated with decreased libido and sexual desire. According to a survey carried out by the BBC, 45% of respondents said that stress affected their sexual desire at some point in their lives.

In order to manage stress, it is recommended to do one of the following activities:

In order to manage stress, it is recommended to do one of the following activities:

exercise regularly
breathing techniques
Healthy diet

2. Learn to know the body

To know what things can generate arousal, you have to know and understand the body. As we said, each person is different from the others and I want her too. However, most people need to go through the arousal first before they get to the desire.

How to improve sexual desire and sexual response. Sexual fantasies are a path of enormous shared excitement./ Thinkstock Photos.

In this sense, there are several ways to increase arousal:

Texting or Sexting
watch porn
Read erotic literature
Masturbate Allowing yourself to be kissed and touched without expecting sexual intercourse as a result
Listen to erotic podcasts
Enjoy music that erotica
use sex toys

3. Not being aware of performance

How to improve sexual desire and sexual response. Sometimes keeping an eye on sexual performance works against the timing.

This issue is a pressure for many people and a great brake on relationships. In this sense, masturbation can help to be more secure when having relationships.

Not only in occasional relationships can you have problems. It is also very common in already established couples to begin to lose heart, or to ask the other for new skills. It is something that is resolved, in these cases, with a lot of dialogue and in pairs.

4. Sleep well and stay fit

How to improve sexual desire and sexual response. Sleeping well and maintaining an exercise routine help mood and sexuality.

Resting adequately reduces stress and increases energy, which helps to have better sexual performance. In general, when we are in our active life, we usually do not meet the minimum that the body needs to sleep.

In the same way, it is important that we maintain the routine of exercising. Physical activity is beneficial for overall health and improves mood, which is a positive for increasing arousal and desire.

5. Take care of your weight and lead a healthy lifestyle

How to improve sexual desire and sexual response. Healthy eating helps good spirits and sexual desire./ Photo Shutterstock.

Maintaining a healthy weight contributes to an increase in libido, both physically and psychologically. When we gain weight, it is often due to stress, anguish, not because we want that to happen. But seeing our body gain weight lowers our spirits and increases our worries.

Leading a healthy life in every way will make us feel better, stronger, more energetic and more likely to manifest our sexuality. Eating a balanced diet and avoiding the consumption of cigarettes, drugs and alcohol helps a lot with our health and our sexual life.

6. Foods to increase sexual desire and sexual response

How to improve sexual desire and sexual response. Food to increase desire./ Photo Shutterstock.

Psychology graduate Dolores Rueda, who can be followed or connected on the web infinite sexualityalso tells us about foods that serve to increase sexual desire, solve problems of premature ejaculation or performance.

Some suggestions to keep in mind:

strawberries and raspberries
green tea


How to improve sexual desire and response

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