“I feel you everywhere”

Robert Collins
Robert Collins

Global Courant 2023-05-19 19:51:25

Macarena Elía González (29) saw how her friend Benjamín Gamond (23) was attacked with machetes when they ate in a small restaurant located on the beach of Las Lagunas de Chacahua, a Mexican island paradise surrounded by lagoons and the Pacific Ocean, in the municipality from Villa Tututepec, Oaxaca state.

Together with her boyfriend Santiago Lastra (22), they interceded to defend him. As a result, the young woman from Necoche received deep cuts on her back from the attacker Cruz Irving Martínez Flores (21). Unlike Benjamin, who took the brunt of it, the couple was able to survive.

Four days after the death of the young man from Cordoba, Macarena spoke for the first time. She did it out of pain and through a post on her social networks in which she remembered Benjamin with a series of photos. “You didn’t go anywhere because I feel you everywhere,” she expressed.

The message, in the form of a letter, was published on his Instagram on the morning of this Friday. “Benjamín: I tried to write to you and it didn’t come out. So I started throwing everything I felt into a note. And I’m going to leave it that way,” she began.

And he continued with a heartfelt description: “You were a wise soul. You were all love. You were totally epic. Your life, an extreme leap. Benjamin smile, curls, gluttony, grumpy, heart. Always on the edge. Always throwing yourself from all the trees that exist. Now I see you in the sky, in the sea and in everything beautiful”.

Macarena and Benjamín in one of the many photos published by the young Necochense.

He also recalled other special shared moments: “I’m going to miss your breakfasts and your talks. You’re going to miss me at all the parties, but I’m going to keep going dancing up ahead as if you were jumping with me.”

“I’ll take your hugs, your smile, your precious face forever. A million things to do, but who can take away the thousands we did? If in the end we always lived it,” he added.

“You left calm, always in peace. But you didn’t go anywhere. Because I feel you everywhere. And even though it hurts a lot now, I will never stop naming you and celebrating you. Because we remain alive in the people we love,” he assured .

And he concluded: “I swear I’m going to go into the sea, and with fear I’m going to do the same. Lots of life and lots of partying. So much love that doesn’t go anywhere. So much magic that words don’t explain it. THANK YOU. I will forever miss my little brother Menjamín,” he closed.

Go dancing, one of the outings they shared.

The images that accompanied the message were ten. In many of them they were seen together, smiling and enjoying nature in the country where Benjamin had decided to stay.

There were two other posts. The first, dedicated to him. Only with photos of Benjamin and the message: “I am a legend, I have eternal life.” The last one, a single photo together looking at the camera that was accompanied by an orange heart.

The attack occurred last Friday, when the Argentine boys went to eat at a small restaurant. Benjamín got up to pay the bill and then Martínez Flores took a machete from a place where they stored coconuts to attack him, for no reason. Santiago and Macarena, in their eagerness to help him, were cut.

Macarena and Benjamín, enjoying nature

“My daughter threw herself on top of him to defend him, she received a big blow to the back and the boyfriend wanted to defend them, he broke a chair on her head, but the guy followed him and hit him with the machete, he managed to put the hand so he broke his wrist, but it also went straight to his head,” Carina González (50), Macarena’s mother, told Clarín.

Benjamin – the most seriously injured – was transferred on Sunday to a hospital in Mexico City. There he passed away the next day. His family donated the organs and this weekend everyone was scheduled to return to Córdoba. From there, Macarena was going to travel to La Plata, where her mother lives.

What is known about the attacker

“Persecution delusion”. It is the first health diagnosis made by the detained attacker who is from Ometepec (Guerrero state) and was transferred in the last few hours to the high-security prison of Miahuatlán de Porfirio Díaz, where they usually house the most dangerous drug traffickers in Ciudad Juárez.

Last Thursday, Martínez Flores arrived at the paradisiacal Mexican island, surrounded by lagoons and the Pacific Ocean, in the municipality of Villa Tututepec, in the same boat as the group of Argentines, to whom he told them that he was a surf instructor and could help.

It was not the first time he was in the place. According to the communal president of Villa Tututepec, Jesuhandy Conde Gómez, “a month ago he visited the community”, looking for work, “and you could tell that when someone spoke to him, he immediately became hysterical”.

The attorney general of the State of Oaxaca, Bernardo Rodríguez Alamilla, maintained that “the main line of investigation” of the inexplicable attack “is for drug use, due to the characteristics of the behavior that the defendant presented when they made him available to the Prosecutor’s Office.” .

“We know that the victims arrived in that area of ​​the coast on May 11, they were looking for instructors to practice surfing and in that process, they had a first contact with the defendant,” he said Wednesday at a press conference.

Rodríguez Alamilla added: “The tourists stayed in a cabin and changed places the next day. On May 12, around two in the afternoon, they went to eat, the defendant intercepted them and for no apparent reason attacked people “.

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“I feel you everywhere”

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