If you still haven’t found the love of your life, don’t


Global Courant 2023-05-08 15:03:43

Many people may consider marriage as a big step in their life that they are afraid of, while many others prefer to create stability in life and the desire to start a family is faster.

Based on astrology, there are three signs that tend to get married at an older age and they are Aries, Gemini and Aquarius!


Although an Aries is very impulsive, in matters of marriage and commitment he will search hard to find the most suitable person. He believes that he needs to meet and learn a lot before finalizing his relationship. This has the effect of an Aries being more of a “hunter”, something that continues for many years of his life, until he finally feels ready or has found the right person to accompany him in life. So Aries is a process that requires time and experience.


Gemini needs a lot of different stimuli to keep them alert. If they could meet millions of people, they would. They want to see, know, explore and experience. They can get bored very easily and constantly need something new to refresh them and not feel neglected. They usually set high standards and take a long time to find an ideal partner, so marriage is not in their immediate plans.


Aquarius is a sign that doesn’t trust people easily, and if there’s one thing they want, it’s their freedom. They are known to be progressive, independent and intelligent, which prevents them from constantly moving forward and evolving. An Aquarian is fully aware of how much he values ​​his freedom and thinks that marriage can take it away from him. They especially enjoy the free life, while when they decide to commit, they need a partner who gives them space in their relationship. Aquarius also does not value tradition as much as other signs, so marriage is not necessary for him.

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If you still haven’t found the love of your life, don’t

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