Insivumeh informs about maximum temperatures and

Michael Taylor

Global Courant 2023-04-28 09:59:15

Although the rains will persist from the south to the center of Guatemala, the warm environment is expected to persist on a general scale for this April 28, 29 and 30, 2023.

The National Institute of Seismology, Volcanology, Meteorology and Hydrology (Insivumeh) indicated that for this weekend the entry of moisture from the Pacific Ocean will continue to be recorded.

The rainy conditions that were registered during the week, since last Monday, April 24 in the afternoon, could persist in the coming days.

However, despite the rains, a warm and sunny environment is expected in the country.

Weather forecast for the weekend

José María Rodríguez, from the Meteorology Office, reported that the areas with fog and possible clouds at dawn will be in the mountain area. In addition, he indicated that few clouds are expected in the morning and scattered clouds.

In the afternoon, mist is forecast in the environment and in the afternoon and night rains with electrical activity are forecast over the regions of the West, Bocacosta, south of the Northern Transversal Strip, Central Highlands and Valles de Oriente.

The weather conditions are favorable for the presence of severe local storms (abundant rain, strong wind and possible hail fall).

Highs in Guatemala

Rodríguez said that high temperatures are also expected to persist throughout the day at the national level. For the Capital City they will oscillate between 27 °C to 29 °C.

The maximum temperatures could be registered in La Fragua, Zacapa, and in the region of Flores, Petén, where they could be registered between 38 °C and 40 °C.

Rainy season

Although the rainy season would be settling in mid-May, the warning has already been issued that lahars may occur in the volcanic chain, sudden flooding of rivers or landslides.

Also read: Natural disasters in Guatemala: The landslide that occurred 20 years ago in San Marcos similar to that of Casillas, Santa Rosa

Insivumeh informs about maximum temperatures and

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