Israel-Gaza: Does Islamophobia Play a Position in US Overseas Coverage? | Islamophobia

Adeyemi Adeyemi
Adeyemi Adeyemi

International Courant

Marc Lamont Hill speaks with students on Islamophobia and anti-Semitism.

Because the warfare in Gaza continues, the dying toll continues to rise and residents face famine. Regardless of the heavy toll on civilians, the US continues to precise sturdy assist for Israel.

Criticism has been leveled at Washington’s strategy to Palestinian victims. Is there a double customary in relation to Palestine? And why do some within the US appear to confuse solidarity with the Palestinians with anti-Semitism?

On UpFront, Marc Lamont Hill speaks with Sahar Aziz, professor of legislation and Center East lawyer at Rutgers College; and Mitchell Plitnick, president of Rethinking Overseas Coverage and co-director of Jewish Voice for Peace, on whether or not Islamophobia influences U.S. overseas coverage.

Israel-Gaza: Does Islamophobia Play a Position in US Overseas Coverage? | Islamophobia

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