Kosovo, the Association’s statute is presented by a team


The presentation of the draft statute for the formation of the Association of municipalities with a Serbian majority in Kosovo will be made for a period of almost two weeks by a management team which is described as mysterious in the media.

This is because it is not even known who makes up this team, and therefore, who wrote the statute. His appearance will take place within the framework of the political dialogue for the normalization of relations between Pristina and Belgrade, which is led by the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, and the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic.

The news was conveyed by the chief negotiators of the two countries, Besnik Bislimi and Petar Petkovic, after their meeting in Brussels on April 4. Bislimi only clarified that the Management team consists of four people from the Serbian community. They are headed by Danijella Vujčič, but the identity of the others has not been made public.

It is learned that two people from the team are the same, while two members have constantly changed. Danijella Vujicic is a member of the Serbian Parliament from the Serbian Progressive Party. She comes from North Mitrovica – one of the four municipalities with a Serbian majority in the north of Kosovo.

According to Bislim, the mandate of the management team ends when the presentation of the draft statute is completed. The request of journalists at REL to find out who currently makes up the Management Team and whether the 2018 draft statute will be presented or a new one has been prepared, has so far remained unanswered.

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