Lasik Surgery Procedure – Five things NOT to do after Lasik eye surgery

Wang Yan
Wang Yan

Global Courant

People who rely on glasses or contact lenses undergo Lasik surgery for many reasons: for example, for those who work in a highly dynamic environment, it is a huge blessing not to wear these “unnecessary” and “disruptive” aids. The idea of ​​improving his eyesight after the surgery is another good reason to have the surgery. Many patients have successfully undergone Lasik in the past. To get the best possible outcome from the surgery, there are some guidelines you should follow.

First of all, before deciding to have the surgery, your ophthalmologist should have done a thorough eye exam. He also needs to know all about your previous eye conditions, as this information is crucial in determining your eligibility for the surgery. There are indeed things that can determine your eligibility for the surgery. Therefore, before undergoing Lasik surgery, you must ensure that you adhere to the pre-operative and post-operative instructions.

Shortly before surgery, your eye care professional will discuss additional matters with you to make sure you understand these instructions. He will also explain these postoperative instructions to you. For example, according to these recommendations, you may be asked not to drive, to go to work for a few days after surgery, to visit your eye care professional regularly after surgery to make sure everything is going well, not to use makeup, touch your eyes on or take a break.

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The Lasik surgeon will tell you shortly after the operation that it is forbidden to drive. The length of this period usually depends on the healing time of your eyes. Some patients are asked to drive again at least two days after surgery and this is not for a long distance. For those who have night vision problems, they should definitely reduce driving at night for a few days after surgery. People with high sensitivity to light are strongly advised to wear sunglasses during the day. Please note that you may have to miss some working days, so you should notify your employer immediately. All this ensures that your eyes get the necessary rest needed for the healing process.

What you should also not do is completely forget about your post-operative meeting with your optician. These meetings are designed to ensure that the healing process is going well and take place one week, one month or up to three months after the operation. You should of course book these meetings before the actual operation takes place. These meetings are crucial to the healing process.

Another common mistake is using makeup. Any makeup is strongly discouraged. These include lipstick and facial lotions. You are also obliged not to wear make-up for at least three days before or after the day of the operation. Some Lasik surgeons will even advise you not to use makeup for two days after surgery. Of course, you can use make-up again after that period, but not the make-up that is applied to your eyes. Consult with the Lasik surgeon when to use eye makeup. This could be about a week after surgery or even longer depending on your surgeon. It is important to follow these rules because otherwise you could infect your eyes, even worse, you could damage your eyes, so be careful. Finally, you should not use any soap or lotion for a few days after the operation.

Your surgery will also advise you not to touch your eyes for any reason other than eye drops. It is strictly forbidden to use anything that gets into the eyes. Some patients are even given eye shields to cover their eyes when they sleep. These protectors are designed to prevent rubbing or poking while sleeping. You can increase your risk of infection by touching your eyes. These can slow down or even damage the healing process.

You should not exercise for less than two days after Lasik surgery. When you resume these sporting activities, you must be very careful. Indoor activities are allowed one day after surgery, while outdoor activities require eye protection. General activities such as reading, computer, watching TV are generally allowed one day after surgery, but you will need to use eye drops. Other activities such as playing with children, having sex and sunbathing are allowed after three days if you are well looked after. Physical activities such as jogging, fighting are allowed after one week. Extreme activities require approval from your Lasik surgeon and are generally allowed three months after surgery.

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Lasik Surgery Procedure – Five things NOT to do after Lasik eye surgery

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