Louis Aylli tells about the loss of his father: I found out


Global Courant 2023-05-20 11:33:21

Luis Ejlli: It was on December 24 and coincidentally with the date I entered Big Brother, December 24. Yes, it was 2020 and it was our time here, around 10 o’clock, and my father calls me and says, I’m calling you now to wish you Christmas because then the waves will be full of wishes. No, – I told him – it’s not called, o at 12 or I don’t call at all and hung up the phone. Good, good – he said.

At 11.30, a friend I had in America and I knew was staying there picks me up and says: Luiz, and I directly say, hey, how are you – I thought he was wishing me Christmas too. Something happened, he said. It happened to the father, Luigj, – that Luigj had a father, – he had a heart attack, he said, but it seems to me that it is bad because he did not mean that it is fatal. At that moment I hung up and took my mother. My mother told me where I had found out before them. Then they took me and told me that he passed away. It was very difficult because it was also a period of pandemic, work on airplanes, travel, etc. and it was delayed for the body to come from the USA to Albania, but it was his wish to be buried in Shkodër at the “graves of Rr’maji” as we call him , to the Catholic graves in Shkodër and that’s what I did. He came, the ceremony took place and when I entered, that is, I said I’m making him proud.

Prime Minister Edi Rama: This is very strong and it doesn’t seem like they said it wonderfully, who said it, that when your father dies, you become a man, and when your mother dies, you become a child, but I wish you to have your mother as long as possible . While you, child, are in the meantime. What I want to add here is that you reminded me of the Rr’maji cemetery, I have been there and it is one of the freshest and most beautiful memories of my life. When word got out that it was still the regime, and word got out that Dom Simoni would say the first mass, and we left by train. We went to Shkodër, it was a very cloudy day. Now it seems to me like I’m telling a fairy tale, but it doesn’t matter, I’ll tell it as it is, because that’s how I see it.

Luis Aille: I have pictures of that day there.

Prime Minister Edi Rama: have you been there?

Luis Eylli: I was baptized there.

Prime Minister Edi Rama: Even we go there, it was like that, everyone who looked like shadows gathering. There were quite a few of those in overcoats around who were security back then who looked from a distance like they belonged to that network. And I remember a moment when Dom Simoni comes out there and starts talking and a piece opens in the sky, yes it was.. it was not a cloudy sky, it was that total gray, and a piece opens there and as if the clouds start to crumble, it opens a piece and a beam falls on the beam and I was with those other friends and I say: Ore, am I the only one seeing it or is this real? It has been an extraordinary, fantastic day.

Global Courantl

Louis Aylli tells about the loss of his father: I found out

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