Maribel Guardia thanked the media

Michael Taylor

Global Courant 2023-04-16 00:49:42

On April 9, 2023, the world of Maribel Guardia took a sudden and fatal turn, after the unexpected death of her son, 27-year-old Julián Figueroa. The death came to shake a history of losses in the family, considering the death of Joan Sebastian, Julián’s father, which occurred in 2015.

According to the first reports after finding out what happened, the young man, who was also a singer and songwriter, was found lifeless in his home. According to published data, death was caused by a myocardial infarction and ventricular fibrillation.

Beyond being the son of Maribel Guardia and Joan Sebastian, Julián’s death shocked the international public since he was a young promise who was also married and had a young son.

Julián’s story has been impregnated in the history of Mexican music and also in that of his mother’s followers and close friends, who recently thanked her for the expressions of affection and condolence via Instagram after Figueroa’s departure.

In a video published on April 15, the singer published a video in which she goes through her entire house in order to show dozens of flower arrangements that she has received in recent days after her son’s departure.

The clip was accompanied by a special thanks from Maribel to the media and her relatives: “I want to thank the press for the more than 25 arrangements that they sent with personal resources (not from their media), and all my friends and colleagues for all the love sent God bless you. Thanks for much love.”

During the video you can see crowns and vases of different types of species that include roses, orchids, lilies, birds of paradise, gerberas, eucalyptus leaves, among others.

One of the most important moments of the record that the singer shared on her Instagram profile occurs when the recording approaches the room where, above the fireplace, there is a photographic portrait of her son, Julián, next to several crucifixes. , rosaries, and figures of virgins (including Guadalupe) and the Archangel Saint Michael.

The video was also accompanied by the song “Si Me Pides” which was performed by Maribel and her son.

The expressions of affection and condolence show the accompaniment that Guardia has felt in moments of fragility and sadness.

In the Instagram post with the arrangements, more than 15,000 comments supporting the singer can be counted, including those from celebrities such as actress Consuelo Duval who wrote: “Muy amada!” or the singer Alicia Villarreal who commented “We are with you”.

Maribel Guardia thanked the media

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