Myths and truths of the dream

Michael Taylor
Michael Taylor

Global Courant 2023-04-27 18:00:20

There is robust scientific evidence that good sleep is responsible for the renewal of physical energy; mental and emotional, but its benefits exceed these benefits and are also awarded growth in infants, optimization of the system responsible for defenses; all of the above in a positive framework; from there we can deduce that in a negative context it has harmful implications, even recent research assigns diseases such as: hypertension, gradual loss of memory and even cancer, such information can be found in any web browser, since it is in the public domain.

Despite this, this habit has received little importance, hence a vicious circle is manifested, where a person whose poor quality of sleep has an erratic day with imprecise decisions, emotional irritability and therefore the perception of a work or educational environment hostile, to fall back into the same scenario of unrefreshing sleep and restart the cycle again.

To identify if our sleep is of quality, the person should consider that the time they invest between proposing, sleeping and achieving it should not exceed thirty minutes. Sleep must be continuous, that is, the person does not wake up frequently and finally have a duration that in an average adult should oscillate between six and ten hours, the famous eight hours is only the data that became popular from the average of the described range.

To achieve this goal, it is essential to be aware that sleeping is a habit and, like any habit, you can educate yourself and uproot those that disturb your sleep.

A habit to consider is the discipline to wake up and go to bed at the same time every day, including weekends. Dinner plays a leading role, since ideally it should be three hours before bedtime, a moderate volume (it is said that the fist hand is a reference volume when wanting to compare the maximum volume of eating) and some foods to consider are: turkey, pineapple, rice, salmon, avocado because they contain substances that promote sleep and avoid foods such as: eggplant , celery and onion that promote urination, which fragments sleep and disturbs the integrity of the sleep continuity. Some substances like coffee and alcohol are stimulants; Tea and chocolate, contrary to popular belief that it relaxes, is known in recent research studies to also contain stimulants. The ideal drink to consume at night is milk.

Contrast is essential; the morning is ideal for physical activity, exposing yourself to sunlight and listening to stimulating music, while the night should be conducted with a decrease in activity, popularly there are people who practice strenuous exercise to get tired and fall asleep, which causes the opposite effect to the raised

The ideal daily amount of sun exposure is thirty to sixty minutes. It is important before going to bed, to master the internal dialogue so that daily experiences do not disturb the reconciliation of it, slow and deep breathing exercises are recommended to release part of the stress. Anecdotes of people have been described who do not sleep if they do not consume coffee. The answer to this phenomenon is because in some cases they are dependent on it due to long-standing habits and withdrawal causes them anxiety; To other people with headache as a basic disease, pain relief is provided by coffee, which motivates the long-awaited comfort, essential to generate quality sleep.

Dr. Fernando Ceballos Neurologist, Guatemalan, master in sleep medicine. Three times Winner of the World Sleep Day world award 2019, 2020 and 2021 edition.

Sleeping is a habit and, like any habit, it can be educated.

Myths and truths of the dream

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