order the reinstatement of 29 workers who

Robert Collins

Global Courant 2023-05-13 21:17:17

“We will continue fighting until the end. We prefer to die on our feet than live on our knees,” said Alejandra Bada Vázquez, owner of the SME, after learning of the ruling.

The tension continues in Lácteos Vidal. This time, the Chamber of Labor Appeals No. 9 forces the dairy to reinstate 29 employees fired after the blockade of the plant in 2022.

“By virtue of what was resolved by Chamber IX of the Chamber of Labor Appeals, the defendant is summoned, so that she proceeds to the immediate reinstatement of the affected workers,” the ruling states.

Likewise, the text ensures that you must be paid $10,000 per day for each day of arrears for each of the workers for whom you fail to comply, “which will accrue from a possible non-compliance and until effective reinstatement.”

The defendant is Alejandra Bada Vázquez, the owner of Lácteos Vidal, who was blocked by delegates from the Atilra dairy union at the Moctezuma plant, Carlos Casares. And she announced that she will appeal the ruling.

“We will continue fighting until the end. We prefer to die on our feet than live on our knees,” said Bada Vázquez. “We fired them for loss of trust. They committed several crimes that are all the root cause that is being investigated and there is no resolution yet, ”he added.

In this sense, he indicated that the factory processes milk that are food products that reach the final consumer and that he cannot allow those who blocked the plant to manipulate his products.

“They blocked our plant and there are two court cases pending, they usurped our property, they chased three boys through the field, they threatened colleagues,” Bada Vázquez listed.

According to the owner of the SME, they incorporated 23 new workers and are working at full production, both for the domestic market and for export.

“We are going to see the way to appeal this measure and if not, well, they are going to melt us,” he warned.

order the reinstatement of 29 workers who

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