PAE are sold without restrictions in Honduran grocery stores

Michael Taylor

Global Courant

Although six months ago they were acquired furtively, the grocery stores in Honduras They already openly sell the emergency contraceptive pill (PAE) To the population in general.

This was confirmed by this newspaper after the government legalized the use, sale and marketing of pill exclusively in cases of sexual violationsaccording to orders of the President Xiomara Castro in March of this year.

Also called “morning after pill” has a cost of around 100 to 150 lempiras.

That the pill is sold without any evidence validating that it is actually needed for an act following a sexual violation is a call to government authorities who have the challenge of consolidating a system based on the legality of the product.

To know

The PAE controversy continues; However, its sale is already legal in the national territory and its acquisition is open.

Father Rigoberto Velásquez stated that the open sale of the PAE will have a negative impact on women’s health. “This will lead to a lot of debauchery and women to have abortions, because that pill is unquestionably abortive, its approval was a mistake. “That will bring collateral damage,” said the priest.

Elisa Raudaleswho is pro-life, assured that this situation will only lead to a high percentage of abortions each year.

“This pill has always been sold illegally in this country, but it was always difficult to acquire it, but now, since it is freely available and is sold normally in grocery stores, probably any woman will decide to use it for an abortion, especially since it has a very cheap cost,” he said. .

PAE are sold without restrictions in Honduran grocery stores

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