Post Lasik – After surgery is over

Wang Yan
Wang Yan

Global Courant

Patient care for post-lasik surgery can include many things. But for some patients there is a slight burning sensation and others feel like there is a foreign object in their eye. These are normal reactions. Remember, a flap had just been cut into the eye and the lens itself had been reshaped. The most important thing you shouldn’t do is do what your instincts tell you to do, not rub your eyes. The flap has been reattached but needs time to fully heal. If it gets detached during this time by a person rubbing their eye, further surgery is needed to reattach it.

Other things a patient is likely to encounter are halos around lights or asterisks may appear. Sensitivity to light should also be expected. Some patients feel mild pain that can be treated with aspirin or another mild pain reliever. The white part of the eye will most likely be red or bloodshot. All these symptoms disappear within a few days.

After surgery, it is recommended that a patient stay home and rest until the above symptoms disappear or lessen. Watering of the eyes should be expected during this time and will aid in the healing process.

Things to avoid after surgery are high winds or windy conditions that can dry out the eye socket. This can loosen the flap or irritate the eye. There should be no heavy contact or activities for the first three to five days. No lotions or creams should be applied near the eyes for the first 2 to 4 weeks. For ladies, this means any type of makeup, including but not limited to eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, or face powder. Swimming should also be avoided during the first month after eye surgery.

Most patients’ vision stabilizes in the first month, but it has been known to persist for up to six months. If you are concerned, consult your ophthalmologist, but rest is the best medicine after Lasik surgery.

Post Lasik – After surgery is over

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