Power industry top group running for president


Global Courant

EXCLUSIVE: A leading industry group representing energy workers across the country will begin an effort Monday to put presidential candidates on their energy agenda.

Power the Future plans to send out a detailed questionnaire with a letter every presidential campaign to help assess energy policy and inform the public about the position of candidates in an important point. The group stressed that candidates must demonstrate sound energy policies that would reverse the impact of the Biden administration’s climate agenda.

“Over the past two years, American families have become painfully aware of the critical role energy plays in our lives,” Daniel Turner, the founder and executive director of Power the Future, told Fox News Digital. “A series of misguided policy decisions by the Biden administration has abandoned US energy independence, contributed to 40 years of high inflation and pushed a gallon of gasoline to over $5, the highest in history.”

“Perhaps the United States has never needed a sound energy policy more urgently,” he continued. “Our goal with this questionnaire is simply to create a platform for broader and productive discussion on an important topic.”


Power the Future and other energy industry groups have criticized President Biden for curbing energy production, shutting down pipelines, and enacting policies that they say have increased the cost of consumer prices. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images | Sergio Flores/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

In a copy of the letter Power the Future sends to the campaigns – first obtained by Fox News Digital – Turner reiterates that Americans deserve to know the “candidates’ vision for our energy future.”

As part of providing a dedicated platform for broader discussion of campaigns and different approaches to energy policy, Turner said his group would eventually publish any raw responses it receives from the campaigns to allow Americans to make their own judgment.


In the questionnaire sent along with the letter, Power the Future will ask candidates whether they understand President Biden’s actions on the first day of killing the Keystone XL pipeline and halting fossil fuel production on federal lands. and waters, will turn back. The document also asks how candidates can bring US oil production back to 2019 levels of 13 million barrels per day.

In addition, the group of candidates asks how they would replenish the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and ensure the reliability of the national electricity grid and the affordability of electricity.

It further questions whether candidates would commit to repeal any aspect of the Inflation Reduction Act, the Democrats’ massive climate and tax package passed in August 2022. intervention.”

Former President Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis have both advocated for increased domestic energy production. However, DeSantis has taken steps to block offshore drilling and fracking in Florida. (Getty Images)

“We are hopeful that every campaign responds with their plan to bring back American energy independence, because working families deserve a president who gives them an edge on the failed green agenda,” Turner told Fox News Digital.

Since announcing they would be running for president, nearly every major candidate has outlined broad energy plans.


Former President Donald Trump, who still leads the Republican primary, lists “unleashing energy dominance” as a top priority on his campaign website. The website says Trump would “unleash the production of domestic energy resources” while promoting energy security and lowering prices.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has repeatedly criticized Biden’s energy policies, saying earlier this year that the US “will need traditional energy for much, much longer” than Biden has said. At the same time, however, DeSantis has been pushing a number of green policies celebrated by clean energy associations and signed an injunction in 2019 opposing all offshore oil and gas activity off any coast in Florida and fracking in the state.

Other GOP candidates, including former Vice President Mike Pence, former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley and South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, have all emphasized the importance of a comprehensive energy agenda that entails greater domestic production.

Biden’s main Democratic opponent, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., is a longtime environmentalist and has pledged to curb fossil fuel production and push for a rapid transition to green energy.

Thomas Catenacci is a political writer for Fox News Digital.

Power industry top group running for president

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