Sleep Science – Remote control for a healthy life

Wang Yan
Wang Yan

Global Courant

Introduction – Sleep Science:

A good night’s sleep is just as important as regular exercise along with a healthy diet. Sleeping well directly increases our mental and physical health and the quality of our waking life. Insomnia can take a serious toll on our energy, productivity, emotional balance, and even our weight during the day. Yet many of us regularly toss and turn and struggle to get the sleep we need at night.

There is a solution. Making simple but proactive changes to bedtime habits and bed quality can have a major impact on how well we sleep, leaving us feeling mentally sharp, emotionally balanced and full of energy throughout the day.

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Insomnia and its drawbacks

Waking up all night does a lot more than make you exhausted. Our brain is not that sharp. We tend to forget things easily. The food is not digested properly, paving the way for health problems such as obesity.

Sleep disturbances and disorders are also associated with a high number of mental and physical health problems, such as depression, cognitive impairment and heart disease, impaired physical functioning and mortality.

Causes of insomnia

After learning about the drawbacks of lack of sleep, it is necessary to identify the causes of restless nights and work to reduce health risks.

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Increasing competition and race for a better life has made people restless. Suffering from some physical or mental problem is a reason for insomnia. But if you are sure that you are physically fit and mentally relaxed and are still a victim of insomnia, then the problem may lie with the choice of bed.

The wrong mattress – or the one that’s just too old – can be the cause of more than that tickle in your neck or low back pain, paving the way for a bad night’s sleep.

Buying the right mattress is the first step to a good night’s sleep and a healthy lifestyle. Perfect bedding provides superior comfort, proper spine alignment, proper weight distribution while you sleep, thus providing optimal comfort and preventing body aches, so you wake up feeling rejuvenated in the morning.

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The role of a good quality mattress for a good night’s sleep

In addition to good nutrition and exercise, it is also recognized that sleep is an important contributor to good health.

To get a good night’s sleep, you need:

1. Your body should be well supported without any pressure on your shoulder, ankle, rib and other body parts.

2. Your spine should be properly aligned with the rest of your body and

3. Your body weight should be evenly distributed over the sleeping surface

The best mattress offers all three sleep enhancers. The ideal mattress is often medium-firm memory foam, latex or coil springs to ensure that you are well supported. At the same time, the ideal mattress also offers enough cushion and plushness to make you feel comfortable.

The best mattress is an excellent facilitator for a good night’s sleep. Quality sleep, in turn, is one of the pillars of good health. This is perhaps the best way to view the connection between health and mattress.

So don’t be tempted to doze off on a less-than-ideal mattress just because you don’t have enough time or budget. A perfect bed can help you lose weight, improve your memory and extend your life. So we should not think about putting a price tag on a good night’s sleep.

Sleep Science – Remote control for a healthy life

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