Symbols used by traffickers in Britain


Global Courant 2023-05-16 18:40:40

Authorities in Britain say drug traffickers are using electronic menus filled with emoji symbols to lure first-year university students.

Although for many of us the symbol of a horse simply means a horse, in the dark world of drug trafficking it is the secret symbol of the class B drug, Ketamine.

While a dolphin next to a “heart on fire” is the symbol for ecstasy, the test tube symbol means the strong hallucinogenic drug LSD, authorities reveal.

According to network investigation The Timesyoung students are contacted by traffickers with phrases such as “if you need anything at any time, this is my number”.’

One of them told the newspaper: “They are young and they don’t kill their minds. Those who approached me speak openly.”

Among other popular symbols are the snow with the snowman, which signals cocaine, while the toasting glasses symbolize the synthetic drug MDMA and the suit hat is the symbol of hashish.

Sometimes traffickers present ‘special offers’ which are symbolized by ‘Friday menu’ or ‘special deal’.

The undercover reporter was sent a new drug menu one day with ’emoji’ for different types of cannabis, including symbols such as fruit, a gorilla or a dog, according to the varieties on offer.

The development comes as British universities have launched a taskforce to reduce the harm of drugs on campuses, but according to them not with disciplinary decisions for drug possession but with decriminalization and ongoing approaches to their health and safety.

There are several students who have lost their lives in recent years in universities in Britain from drugs.

18-year-old Jeni Larmour, 18, died from a mixture of alcohol and ketamine hours after arriving at Newcastle University in October 2020.

While 23-year-old Daniel Mervis, from London, died in October 2019, after a battle with drug use while studying at Oxford University.

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Symbols used by traffickers in Britain

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