Taiwan’s armed forces conduct coastal exercises

Arief Budi

Global Courant

KAOHSIUNG, Taiwan — Patrol boats circled and officers roped down from a helicopter during a staged hostage crisis in the southern city of Kaohsiung as Taiwanese armed forces held exercises on Saturday.

The island holds regular military exercises despite increasing military and political pressure from China, including almost daily raids by Chinese warplanes into the air defense zone.

Beijing sees Taiwan as a renegade province that must be reunited, by force if necessary.

At the port of Kaohsiung on Saturday, the coast guard, army, police and airborne forces simulated a hostage situation, accompanied by action film music and a looping narration of the “attack”.

“This is the (Taiwan) Coast Guard! Stop the engine immediately!” cried the announcer. “We’re boarding and inspecting your ship!”

Taiwan’s armed forces conduct coastal exercises

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