Teachers say BC school teens improved

Nabil Anas

Global Courant 2023-05-07 00:52:27

When British Columbia school counselor Tulani Pierce began noticing mental health problems in some of her students last year, she said it gave her an idea: ban cell phones in the classroom.

They were distracted and had trouble putting their phones down, she said.

It’s been five months since students at Chatelech Secondary School on BC’s Sunshine Coast were banned from using their cell phones without permission, and Pierce said they’ve seen promising results.

“We’re seeing improved mental health, we’re seeing less bullying, we’re seeing more engagement in the classroom, we’re seeing more social interaction, kids are playing instead of being on their phones again, and we’re seeing more academic success.”

Pupils from Chatelech Secondary School in Sechelt are pictured on the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in 2022. The pupils there are not allowed to use their mobile phones without permission. (Chatelech high school/Twitter)

Pierce began lobbying for the policy change, but said it was never intended to punish students.

“Now more than ever, I feel that for their mental health, our students need us to set boundaries around technology and they will need to learn how to balance that,” she said.

“So we try to be that balance for kids when they come to school.”

Tulani Pierce, left, and Paula Stroshein-Martinez, Deputy Principal of Chatelech Secondary School are shown in this undated handout image. School counselor Pierce said the idea of ​​a cell phone ban came to her when she started noticing mental health issues in some of her students last year. (Handout by Tulani Pierce/The Canadian Press)

She said when the students were first told about the ban, some were angry and upset, while others were “extremely relieved.”

“We care so much about our children and the reason we did this was because of mental health, academic performance and equality issues,” she said, adding that not all families can afford cell phones for their children.

Robert Schumann, a physical education teacher at the school, said he has followed the gradual increase in mobile phone use in schools for more than two decades and that the ban is a game changer for students.

They joke around and even participate in classes, Schumann said, attributing the transformation to the school’s no-cell phone policy.

Gang posters greet Chatelech’s students, telling them to “turn it off and put it away.”

School policy requires that all cell phones and electronic devices be turned off during class hours and before and between classes.

Students are asked to keep their phones in lockers or backpacks. All teachers are responsible for enforcing the rules, and those who break them should keep their devices in a safe place for the rest of the school day.

Students and their families were given six weeks’ notice to prepare for the change.

Psychiatrist touts benefits of no phones

The past few months have been a journey for everyone, but the process has been smooth with the help of colleagues and parents who have been “incredibly supportive,” she said.

Cell phone regulations in schools vary from province to province. Ontario has a blanket ban prohibiting students from using mobile devices during instructional time.

The B.C. Department of Education said in a statement that school districts and individual schools are responsible for managing students’ use of technology, and some have created policies for phone use on school grounds.

A psychiatrist says schools should not be afraid to impose restrictions on children’s use of mobile phones. (Syda Productions/Shutterstock)

One of the last to introduce a mobile phone ban, Chatelech Secondary’s policy has received mixed reactions from educators, with some applauding the results, while others claiming an outright ban is not the answer.

Shimi Kang, a Harvard-trained psychiatrist, said it’s an example of how one teacher can lead a change.

“In general, it’s a good idea because if we want to get someone’s attention, whether it’s in a conversation or in a classroom, we have to get the screens out,” said Kang, who wrote a book on the subject.

Kang’s message to teachers and parents is not to be afraid to set limits on cell phone use, she said.

Former school board president says the policy is outdated

However, former Vancouver School Board president Patti Bacchus disagrees with a ban, saying it is a “1960s solution to a 2023 problem.”

The education commentator said she has no doubts that cell phones can be a distraction in the classroom, but over the past 10 years of working in many schools, she doesn’t see phones as a major problem.

“I wouldn’t want to be a teacher who has to enforce this and constantly check on someone who brought their phone to school,” Bacchus said.

Students have lives outside of the classroom, such as caring for siblings or doing part-time jobs and they may need phones to complete these tasks, she said.

Public education advocate Patti Bacchus says the policy imposes inappropriate restrictions on children, and schools should talk to children about phone use rather than banning them. (Dillon Hodgin/CBC)

Bacchus said people also need to accept that phones are ubiquitous components of modern life and the technology isn’t going away.

Instead, she said perhaps teachers should take the opportunity to talk about addiction, weigh up the pros and cons of using phones and leave it to students to decide.

“I prefer to teach and let students become critical thinkers. What are the consequences of screen time? How does that affect you? What does science tell us and teach us about it?

“Learn about it from that perspective, use it as an educational opportunity instead of, let’s just make rules and hide from them, because that’s not education,” Bacchus said.

Pierce said her goal is to see students across Canada take a break from their phones at school instead of constantly checking social media notifications and responding to text messages.

“I hope to inspire others. It’s hard work, but it’s good work,” said Pierce.

This story was produced with the financial support of the Meta-Canadian Press News Fellowship, which is not involved in the editorial process.

Teachers say BC school teens improved

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