that was the first day

Robert Collins

Global Courant 2023-04-21 04:00:39

Inside the gastronomic venue located in Las Cañitas, employees and customers observe the scene that takes place in the corridor, a few meters from the kitchen. Martín Moschioni, the owner of the restaurant called Dalchemist, is the one who puts Lucas’s apron on before the attentive and proud gaze of Martín, his younger brother. Everyone applauds, while Moschioni hugs both boys and holds them back, as he has been doing for two days.

Because until Monday, the life of 15-year-old Martín, and that of his entire family, was different. On April 18, the boy from José C. Paz, in the western suburbs, took a cell phone from the table of a client of the Dalchemist restaurant. And the story could have ended there, like one of many that remain in a fit or in the arrest of a criminal, but no. Because Martín Moschioni decided that this time it would be different and offered him a hand that the boy never thought he would receive, and that he made him cry: an offer of work.

Martín went to the police station with the promise to return as soon as he was released from his detention. The other Martin never forgot that promise, although at one point he doubted that it would be fulfilled. However, the fifteen-year-old boy returned on Tuesday the 19th with his father and his brother Lucas to knock on Moschioni’s door, with a request for forgiveness and a clear message: “I’m here for the job.”

Moschioni assures that he still “does not fall” for everything that happened due to his decision to offer Martín a job. He admits that what motivated him that night was that he knew it was time to do something for that boy who had just broken in to rob his business and whom he suddenly saw weak, scared and small: “This kid was not evil, he already When I saw him complain of pain on the floor, I was afraid that I had broken something when I jumped on him, he weighs 55 kilos”.

Martín put Lucas’s apron on his first day at work. Photo Rafael Mario Quinteros

“When the robbery happened and they arrested him, the barista approached him to ask his age and name, and then he came and told me: ‘he is fifteen years old, his name is Martín like you’. That was terrible. Then I hesitated three times to go out, until I cheered up. I went out and saw him sitting and handcuffed and I told him: ‘Listen to me, when you need a job I’ll open the door for you, or if you need a plate of food come and ask me for it.'”

“There he began to cry and told me: ‘tomorrow when I go out, I’ll come to see him’. I replied: ‘come on, I’ll wait for you’. My first thought was ‘well, that’s it, he wants to escape and nobody sees him.’ But on Tuesday at five in the afternoon, when all the media left, he appeared with his father and brother.”

Moschioni is moved as he recalls the moment in which he recognized the young man who bears the same name: “My dad calls me ‘Martín’ and I say ‘yes, it’s me’. And he repeats ‘no, Martín’, and then I realize that he was with the boy. I saw him, I hugged him and I couldn’t believe it. He made me very happy that he came back. He apologized to me, and I to him. There I told him that it was difficult to give him the job because of his age, but the idea of ​​giving it to Lucas appeared.

This is how Lucas, 17, soon to be a father, took the vacant job left by his brother. As of this Wednesday, he is the new Dalchemist patcher.

Today, the two young men arrived at the premises in the company of their older brother, Walter. They are all present to accompany Lucas on his first day at work and none of them detach themselves from Moschioni. The affection between the boys and the owner of the restaurant is palpable: there are plenty of hugs, pats on the back and smiles.

Martín and Lucas are almost three years apart, but they say they are “recontra” united by age. For this reason, Martín is more than happy that his older brother is the one who takes that position: “Since I couldn’t take the job, I gave it to Lucas, because he is going to be a father, he will be much more useful than me this”.

Martín the owner of the local Dalchemist, first on the left with the brothers Walter, Lucas and Martín. Photo Rafael Mario Quinteros

Lucas laughs and grabs his head, he can’t believe how his life has changed in just 48 hours: “I’m happy. Even though my brother hit a baton, it ended up being something good. I’m very happy and also nervous for the first day work, and also because today I find out if my baby is going to be a boy or a girl. I don’t know if with this job I can give my son a better future, but I know that I’m going to give him everything that they didn’t give me.” .

Martín’s older brother will complete a 6-hour part-time work schedule due to his condition as a minor, and he is grateful to Martín Moschioni for the opportunity he gave both him and the small family that he and his girlfriend make up. and his future son.

“Our lives changed a lot in a short time, it was all very fast. Martín (owner) is very cool, he was very cool with us, because even though that robbery happened here in his bar, he received us very well. He helped us a lot, and my teammates all received me very well”, says Lucas.

He says that he did not finish school, but that he wants to resume it tomorrow, although now he is 100% focused on working: “I am going to come here every day from José C. Paz, because I have to comply, it is my work. This is going to help the whole family.”

Hug between Walter and Martín, after the fact that ended with a happy ending. Photo Rafael Mario Quinteros

Martín assures that he is, that he is going to focus on going back to school, since he stopped going a year ago: “I am going to go back to school, just as I promised Martín. On Monday I will see when I can start, and I’m going to get the supplies, everything I need. I’m going to go ahead, to finish school, apart from that I’m not far away. I’m very excited about that, and apart from that when I can I’m going to come here to accompany Lucas”.

Lucas and Martín say that in Las Cañitas people treated them well, and that they even received donations from many neighbors and passers-by who passed by the premises on Wednesday morning and afternoon: from booties to clothes for themselves and for the future son of Lucas. In addition, both brothers are very grateful to the owner of the place that changed their lives.

“I am so happy that words do not come out. I am very grateful to Martín, with everything he did for my family, for my brother by giving him work. For what he did with me, which is helping me a lot. He is a hero. Also , my old man is very proud, he is very happy, now they have given him work again,” says Martín, almost through tears.

“When I got here the day after what happened, he didn’t recognize me, he thought I was going in to sell. There I told him ‘it’s me Martín, the one you offered a job, the one the police took away’, and there I was he hugged him and began to cry. I also began to cry. What I did was wrong, I apologized to him and he told me never to do that again. And I’m not going to do it again, that’s it, I’m going back to school”

Martín proudly looks at his brother Lucas, while the two laugh and prepare for a life that, from now on, could be better. “I would tell the boys who are in the same group not to do that anymore, to behave well. There is always another path, another opportunity. And I hope that they go down the same path that I am choosing now, because I It changed my life”, concludes Martín.



that was the first day

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