The eighty-year-old Jordanian penned a laudatory poem

Nazim Sheikh
Nazim Sheikh

Global Courant 2023-05-30 14:51:58

IRBID, Jordan

An 82-year-old Jordanian man wrote a poem for Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan celebrating his re-election.

Ghayyad Abu Al-Assal described the Turkish president as “the darling of millions” in his poem.

Ghayyad was born in the Saham al-Kaffarat district of the Bani Kinana Brigade in northern Irbid province.

Now a retired teacher, Ghayyad learned to write poetry at the age of 71. He has four published collections.

“What happened in terms of election results in Turkey confirms the greatness of President Erdogan’s achievements for his people,” Ghayyad told Anadolu.

“Turkey’s power and greatness is a testament to President Erdogan’s good administration and his love for Islam and Muslims,” ​​Ghayyad said.

“I expressed my joy at Erdogan’s victory in poetry. This is the third poem I wrote to the President of the Republic of Türkiye.

Ghayyad’s brother, Rakha, 81, is one of the first Jordanian doctors to receive a diploma from Turkey in 1969.

Rakha held a reception at her home to celebrate Erdogan’s victory.

He described the effort as “part of his duty to the Turkish president in particular and to the Turkish people in general”.

“During my education in Turkey, I witnessed the kindness and love of the Turkish people,” Rakha said.

Erdogan, who received 52.18% of the votes in Sunday’s second round, was elected the 12th president of the Republic of Turkey.

*The article written by İkram Kouachi in Ankara

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The eighty-year-old Jordanian penned a laudatory poem

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