The emotional letter from a friend to a Honduran child

Michael Taylor

Global Courant 2023-05-03 23:33:50

Texas, United States.

“You will be in our hearts”, reads in a passage the letter that Aaron Muniz wrote in dedication to his friend and schoolmate Daniel Lazo (9), the Honduran boy murdered along with four other people on Friday in San Jacinto, Texaswhen Francisco Oropesa broke into his home.

With a drawing that the minor made showing the deceased child, God “receiving him” and the “gate of heaven”, Aaron told Telemundo that “Daniel was the best friend in the world and he was the best goalkeeper in the football (soccer)”.

In a small memorial sanctuary for the victims, in front of the residence where the massacre occurred, several residents of San Jacinto and friends of Daniel, whose mother, Sonia, was also murdered, stuffed animals, flowers, candles and other dedications such as letters are seen. Just like that of Aarón, who expressed in it how much Daniel is missing, the Honduran boy who was taken as a child to the United States in search of better opportunities and quality of life.

“He will be in our hearts and we will never forget him,” Aaron told Telemundo.

Wilson Garcia, Daniel’s father and Sonia’s husband, did not hold back his tears when he read the letter and heard Aaron’s words. “I dreamed of being a soccer player,” he said. Now, in mourning, he was left with his two surviving children, a newborn minor and a two-year-old girl.

You can see the complete video of Telemundo by entering this link

Oropesa, a historical case

Texas authorities reported several arrests on Wednesday in the case of the weekend shooting in the town of Cleveland, which claimed the lives of five Honduran citizens.

The arrests are in addition to that of Mexican Francisco Oropesa, the main suspect in the massacre, who was arrested Tuesday after a multi-day manhunt.

Tim Kean of the San Jacinto County Sheriff’s Office told reporters today that “several arrests” had been made in Oropesa’s capture and that “others are pending depending on the ongoing investigation.”

“At this point we may have the weapon, but we have to wait for the ballistics report,” he added.

Oropesa, 38, is a suspect in the death of Daniel Enrique Lazo, 9; Sonia Argentina Guzman, 25; Diana Velasquez Alvarado, 21; Obdulia Molina Rivera, 31, and José Jonathan Cáceres, 18 years old.

The Mexican was discovered when he was hiding in a closet in the Texas town of Cut and Shoot, a few kilometers from the site of the massacre, and faces five counts of murder.

Border agents apprehended the suspect without incident, Troy Miller, acting director of Customs and Border Protection (CBP), said last night.

For his part, the sheriff of San Jacinto County (Texas), Greg Capers confirmed that the person who gave the FBI the information that led to the capture will receive a reward of $ 80,000.

On Friday night Oropesa was shooting with his semi-automatic rifle in the garden of his house in Cleveland when one of his neighbors approached him and asked him to stop making noise because it was very late and the family, including some children, could not To fall asleep.

The man responded by breaking into his neighbors’ home to shoot them in the neck and head, as if it were an “execution,” according to the police report.

One of the victims, Diana Velásquez, had permanent residence in the US, while the rest were in the country irregularly.

According to US authorities, Oropesa had been deported to Mexico at least four times since 2009.

The emotional letter from a friend to a Honduran child

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